
Posts Tagged ‘little’

Little Things

In Uncategorized on March 22, 2009 at 3:00 pm

There’s little things that bother me

like a messy smile

or tiny trees.

There’s little things that bother me

like big numbers

or an old key.

The little things like

pizza sauce

or purple grapes.

Broken glass

or old tapes.

These little things

they take up space

fill my mind,

feel out of place.

These little things

I should discard.

Live my life

just play hard.

-By Me


Mini Me

In Uncategorized on March 7, 2009 at 7:43 pm


I found this great site through another blog and think it’s the greatest!! The site is called Tilt Shift Maker and you upload a normal picture and adjust the depth of field to make it look like a miniature!

This is a picture I took of one of our quads, stuck in a “puddle” last summer…uploaded into TSM and made to look mini. Freakin’ cool, isn’t it?? Try it out!