
Posts Tagged ‘nauticle’

Getting Out There

In etsy on September 2, 2008 at 8:46 pm


It was a long weekend this past weekend so I had way more time than usual to work on my bags (: Yay! My hubby says “So what are you planning to do today? Something fun?” “Yep,” I replied “Sew!”. He just stared at me blankly 😀

I had more fabric left over from the Nautical Bag, so I tried another color and just LOVE it. I’m really enjoying this pattern! I bought some great fabric on the weekend too so I’ll be sewing up different colors in this style.

We had friends over last night and they were looking through the bags I was in the middle of…I’ve now sold a couple of those (I’ll post pictures when they bags are finished). ANNND because of the auction my bag was in for Nie Nie, I’ve made new contacts and possible sales.

I forgot to post the Goals entry last week, so that’ll be coming up later on this afternoon (:

Enjoy your Tuesday lovelies!!