
Posts Tagged ‘create’

In Uncategorized on November 30, 2009 at 11:11 pm

Christmas isn’t even here yet and already I’m thinking of January birthday gifts! I just received this quilt in the mail (it only took a week!) for my Mom’s birthday. The three oldest kids in the fam are going in on buying it for her and we just know she’s going to die when she sees it!

Check out QuiltLover’s shop  for more absolutely amazing creations!


{Gimmie Post}

In Uncategorized on November 24, 2009 at 8:42 pm

Click on the pics to go to the Etsy Shops!



It’s My Party (and I’ll cry if I want to…)

In Uncategorized on November 7, 2009 at 3:00 pm

And I’m asking for:


Fosterweld Belt (to go with my awesome belt buckle from last year!)


Napkins for my kitchen table when the kitchen is finally finished. This colour would be perrrrfect.


The spare room needs a color scheme, this might be it…LOVE this quilt!!


In Uncategorized on November 6, 2009 at 8:23 pm



I’ve been Christmas shopping on Etsy! I’m so proud of myself for starting shopping already! I have some fun DVD’s for the younger siblings, a necklace, this super cute hat, and the odd toy for the nieces. I’m so ahead of the game…and that’s very unusual for me.

I love buying gifts that actually mean something to the recipients, but usually I’m so late in buying the gift it turns into a game of “What’s left in the stores that they might like”.

I was on Etsy the other day and found this seriously funky hat (they’re so in style right now, I love it!) for one of my younger sisters. Tiss would look so adorable in it, but her personality is more “I’m here but don’t want anyone to notice”, so I’m not sure if she would get good use out of it. But Sally would be able to pull it off too, so it’s a toss-up.

Orrrr….maybe I’ll keep it for myself! Nah, I will give it as a gift, but I’m totally going back to get one for myself!

Visit SoftSpoken for more amazing knitted creations guys! If you’re looking for the girls (actually, there’s some guy stuff in the shop too!) it’s a great stop for fashionable knits.



In Uncategorized on October 5, 2009 at 6:26 pm

I’m a two-timin’ blogger! I have two blogs going now…as if I don’t have enough to fill my time 😀

I love to write though, and I started this little ditty of a blog for a fictional character, Kitty. I thought it would be a cool way to write a story.

See what you think!

Other than that, life has been busy with Arbonne…my business is growing like I didn’t think was possible! I’m SO excited to see it expanding and  growing into my goals. It’s really cool to know that soon I’ll be able to quit my day job (or at least replace my income)!

The house is coming along too, windows and doors are in, sub floor is layed, roof is fully finished. We’re working on the electrical now and then we’ll be on to insulation (which is important, considering we’ve already had a snowfall!) and drywalling. Woo!! Pictures to come, I promise!!

It’s My Friday

In Uncategorized on August 22, 2009 at 4:12 pm

Saturdays are my Fridays. I have to work a half day, so when people say “Have a good weekend” on Friday, it really don’t mean anything to me.

They’re also the day that I ride my bike to work. This morning I wasn’t going to, we had been up late quadding in the dark with a bunch of friends, but the sun was shining and I thought I needed a challenge today, so I rode the bike. I work 5 minutes out of town so it’s a little bit of a ride, but going back home is the kicker. There’s a big hill near my house that is my nemesis. I have yet to ride up the entire hill, but today just might be the day.

Saturdays are always boring at work (it’s a good thing that it’s only a half day!) and so I logged onto Etsy and was confronted with this tornado of color: Click me. I wish I could do a screen shot of it, this Treasury is amazing. You’ll want to eat it up!

Have a good weekend!! I’m sure you’ll hear from me a little bit, I have pictures to post!

Oh, also, check these photos out! I love the one of the sunset.

Creating Yourself

In Uncategorized on August 13, 2009 at 3:00 pm

I just saw a cool quote on M. Writes blog:

Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.

So true! Life isn’t about partying and thinking “Is this who I am? Does this suite me?”, it’s about living life and thinking “Is this how I want to be viewed? Is this the image that I want for myself?”.

I see so many kids (ha! “Kids” my own age) that lived crazy lives when they were younger because they thought that was the way to find themselves.

I think more “kids” (hubby always laughs when I call our peers that) need to live by the saying above. There’d probably be way less issues in their life if they did.

Create what you want to be, create the person you want to become, create the image you want to portray. It’s easy to become that person you see walking down the street, the one you admire. It’s not cheating to strive to be more like them, it’s showing part of yourself. As long as you’re being true to yourself and your desires, you’re headed in the right direction.

A Tad Obsessed

In Uncategorized on August 12, 2009 at 3:55 pm

You know how I love weddings…like looove weddings…So much so that I attack every bride I know and beg “Let me help with DECORATING!”. It’s sad.

So that’s why I still have “Style Me Pretty” as a blog favorite, because I can’t get enough of decorating and ideas and colors and dresses and flowers and…well, you get it.

This weeks Handmade Wedding article in Etsy’s Storque totally caters to my obsession.


And I L.O.V.E. this, it’s such a huge stamp and perfect for any sort of funky craft!

This and This

In Uncategorized on July 16, 2009 at 3:17 pm

I was on Etsy for the first time in forever today and I found a few things that cought my eye (imagine that! This hardly ever happens on Etsy…wink):

And before I spend my last penny, I need to stop looking…

Oh: A new fave blog!


In Uncategorized on April 13, 2009 at 4:35 pm


Remember I said I was buying beads from Etsy? I got them! It’s always so fun getting packages in the mail (:

Here’s the shops I bought them from:

I was out of town this weekend and hoping to find a bead store, but couldn’t…I need some more chain desperately but can’t find any in town…and it would take too long to get off of Etsy. I guess my beading will have to wait a little while.

And ohmygosh. You HAVE to see this site. The photos of Lauren and Adam are seriously to die for. I’ve decided that Hubby and I are going to do a photo shoot for our anniversary. He’s not going to be pleased, but I dont’ care. If they turn out even half as incredible as these, it’ll be worth it!