
Posts Tagged ‘crafts’

A Tad Obsessed

In Uncategorized on August 12, 2009 at 3:55 pm

You know how I love weddings…like looove weddings…So much so that I attack every bride I know and beg “Let me help with DECORATING!”. It’s sad.

So that’s why I still have “Style Me Pretty” as a blog favorite, because I can’t get enough of decorating and ideas and colors and dresses and flowers and…well, you get it.

This weeks Handmade Wedding article in Etsy’s Storque totally caters to my obsession.


And I L.O.V.E. this, it’s such a huge stamp and perfect for any sort of funky craft!

This and This

In Uncategorized on July 16, 2009 at 3:17 pm

I was on Etsy for the first time in forever today and I found a few things that cought my eye (imagine that! This hardly ever happens on Etsy…wink):

And before I spend my last penny, I need to stop looking…

Oh: A new fave blog!

MFH – May Find Helpful

In Uncategorized on April 8, 2009 at 3:00 pm

Going through my Blog Roll and Daily Reads, I came to Make It and knew I had to share the links she had.

  • Craftopolis– To see if your Etsy shop has been featured in a Treasury!
  • Craft Cult – To see if your Etsy shop has been featured in the Storque, the Front Page or Gift Guides. You can even see how many hearts your shop or items have. Also, you can check out their Vault for Treasuries that have been featured on the Front Page.

These are just a couple helpful sites that all us Etsy sellers might find handy (:



I’m trying to find some new clothes to bring to England. Simple but fun pieces that will be easy to chuck on and not make me think too hard about what will go with it. That way, I figure, I’ll have more time for exploring!

This shirt is by Lamixx, a super awesome store that I’m drooling over.


In Uncategorized on March 2, 2009 at 3:00 pm




I’ve been adding new items to the shop! These mugs were so much fun to make, I can’t wait to make more! I would have gone to get more mugs today, but we were busy painting our bedroom (yay!).

I’ve also been busy sewing another bag today! This one was ordered from a girl at my old job, so it won’t be going into the shop. It’s so good to be back in the sewing room! It’s been a while, and it feels good to be creating more bags. There WILL be more in the shop soon, it’s going to be hard to stop sewing now that I’ve started. I’ll be posting pictures of the new bag asap. I’m really impressed with how it’s turning it out!

Ready Made

In Uncategorized on February 28, 2009 at 3:00 pm


Holy Moley. I’m going to be so addicted to this site, I can tell already! Talk about a great resource! One of my commenters yesterday (thanks Everydaycreate!) mentioned this site and of course I had to check it out…And because of that, I now have a list as long as my arm of things to make. Crafts for the bride I’m helping this summer, stuff for my craft room. Yep, it’s going to be an awesome site to have around.


In Uncategorized on February 20, 2009 at 8:00 pm

Well, the week is finally over! It was a doozy. I had two Arbonne parties, which is always fun, and another one planned for this Sunday afternoon. I seriously love doing them! It’s so much fun getting together with girls, talking about makeup and making sales. I can’t wait until I can do Arbonne full time, with crafting on the side of course.

It would be so nice to work fully from the house instead of moving on to another job. Fill my time with Arbonne, Etsy and sporadic crafting urges. It would be so much fun!


Have you ever looked through the Gift Guideson Etsy? They’re a great resource for finding different gifts (go figure!) under different topics such as “Mom”, “Kids”, “Wedding”.

I found these earrings from Florabond in the Gift Guides and they’re so cute! If you’re looking for something springy to decorate your wardrobe with, these are awesome!

In Uncategorized on December 15, 2008 at 5:44 pm

I think I’m in love with this artists work

I wish I was a kid again

I want this picture. The pink one.

I love this blog theme.

I want summer back!

I need to go home and do some crafts.

I need gloves. My hands are freezing.

~Modish Marketplace~

In Uncategorized on November 1, 2008 at 3:00 pm


I’m on Modish Marketplace! I bought a space on the Market a month ago or so and it’s up!

I Went Window Shopping

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2008 at 8:51 pm

Wouldnt’ this shrug look great with a pink bridesmaid dress? Trendy Knitting


Tiana Nova Crochet makes these awesome earrings.

Whenever I see these flowers I drool. There`s something so beautiful and simple about them…

Workin’ Workin’ Workin’

In etsy on September 22, 2008 at 8:26 pm



This weekend I didn’t sew and I only cut out one pattern. But I did work on my mugs! It’s funny how my mind is trained to think “If I sew, I’ve accomplished something”. I kept thinking all weekend, “oh crap, I haven’t done anything!”. But then I’d remember I had created seven 8 new mugs (one not shown because it doesn’t belong in the set), and I’d sigh with relief.

I also worked on my blog, notice the blogroll is back? Yay!!

Being bored Sunday night, I flipped through parts of Etsy I hadn’t been to in a while. I had fun Geolocating several different countries and found some great new artists!

I’ll definitely be featuring some of these new artist in the Friday Features.