
Posts Tagged ‘sew’

In Uncategorized on November 30, 2009 at 11:11 pm

Christmas isn’t even here yet and already I’m thinking of January birthday gifts! I just received this quilt in the mail (it only took a week!) for my Mom’s birthday. The three oldest kids in the fam are going in on buying it for her and we just know she’s going to die when she sees it!

Check out QuiltLover’s shop  for more absolutely amazing creations!


It’s My Party (and I’ll cry if I want to…)

In Uncategorized on November 7, 2009 at 3:00 pm

And I’m asking for:


Fosterweld Belt (to go with my awesome belt buckle from last year!)


Napkins for my kitchen table when the kitchen is finally finished. This colour would be perrrrfect.


The spare room needs a color scheme, this might be it…LOVE this quilt!!

Red White and Tan

In Uncategorized on March 4, 2009 at 3:00 pm



I brought a few samples of fabric to a friend to see if any of them were something she wanted. She chose this one and I was so excited to get going on it. Even though I was busy renovating our bedroom this weekend, I just had to make time to create this bag. The friend who requested this bag is expecting a baby in June and wanted the purse to double as a diaper bag.

Instead of using nylon straps, I finally had a chance to use the rucksack-like ones I ordered off of ebay ages ago. I sewed the top centre of the straps into tighter sections, which made them easier to sit on shoulders.


In Uncategorized on March 2, 2009 at 3:00 pm




I’ve been adding new items to the shop! These mugs were so much fun to make, I can’t wait to make more! I would have gone to get more mugs today, but we were busy painting our bedroom (yay!).

I’ve also been busy sewing another bag today! This one was ordered from a girl at my old job, so it won’t be going into the shop. It’s so good to be back in the sewing room! It’s been a while, and it feels good to be creating more bags. There WILL be more in the shop soon, it’s going to be hard to stop sewing now that I’ve started. I’ll be posting pictures of the new bag asap. I’m really impressed with how it’s turning it out!


In Uncategorized on February 20, 2009 at 8:00 pm

Well, the week is finally over! It was a doozy. I had two Arbonne parties, which is always fun, and another one planned for this Sunday afternoon. I seriously love doing them! It’s so much fun getting together with girls, talking about makeup and making sales. I can’t wait until I can do Arbonne full time, with crafting on the side of course.

It would be so nice to work fully from the house instead of moving on to another job. Fill my time with Arbonne, Etsy and sporadic crafting urges. It would be so much fun!


Have you ever looked through the Gift Guideson Etsy? They’re a great resource for finding different gifts (go figure!) under different topics such as “Mom”, “Kids”, “Wedding”.

I found these earrings from Florabond in the Gift Guides and they’re so cute! If you’re looking for something springy to decorate your wardrobe with, these are awesome!

Come and Get it!

In Uncategorized on October 14, 2008 at 8:56 pm

The new bag is in the store and the new Zippies, Franke and Cass, will be up soon too! Come and get ’em!

New Pocket Palls!

In crafts, etsy, store on October 9, 2008 at 12:42 am


Meet Franke and Cass. They’re best friends. They love making mud pies and spying on spying on Cass’s older sister, Darla. Cass loves eating Maltesers, but Franke hates them. So Cass sticks her tongue out at Franke when she’s eating them.

                                                             Franke loves drawing.

                                                                Cass loves painting.


                                                       Franke also likes taking weird pictures of herself.

Feature Friday – Faves

In etsy on September 19, 2008 at 6:00 pm


It’s friday and I’m in the mood to spend money. So I’ve been searching through my Favorites to drool over some of the items.             


This skirt is made by PinarEris, a really amazing artist on Etsy (of course!). The way this skirt is photographed is beautiful, and although my style isn’t steam-punk if it was mixed with different items it would be more ‘me’.


I’ve been looking for a lower V t-shirt for a while now and FluxProductions has exactly what I’m wanting. I love this color, the sleeves, the print…everything (:


A few years ago I went to university for a major in English and minor in Art. Before I went, I thought abstract art was a joke. I’m not sure what changed in uni but I’ve learned to love abstract stuff now. It may be that I realize the work behind it, the textures the techniques…

This piece by The Architect Studio is just stunning. I just want to study it, sit there and take it all in. Beautiful.

On Display

In etsy on September 17, 2008 at 4:18 pm


I’m in a Showcase today (: It’s the Fall Fashion Showcase, which I thought my bags fit into perfectly (: Make sure to check it out!

Phewf! Last night I was able to finish another bag that I had been frustrated with on the weekend. Who knows what I was doing wrong initially. Maybe I just needed to step away from the machine for a while. I went back to it last night, took apart what I had done before and started again…no problems.

Now to take pictures! My camera is completely craped out so I’ll have to borrow one for a while. So no pictures so far, but as soon as I can, I’ll have some up!

I’m Stobborn

In Uncategorized on September 15, 2008 at 10:20 pm

You’d think after having such a sucky weekend, I’d be ready to quit sewing for a while. But I’m stubborn. When obstacles come into my way, I purse my lips and prove to myself that I can overcome them.


  • Fix the Sewing Machine
  • Sew more bags
  • Find a hanger (coat hanger??) for craft fairs

Tonight is a night for getting things done. I need to sew at least one bag, but I’m not sure that this is going to happen. Hubby and I have started coaching ball hockey again so our Monday nights are being taken up, but hopefully we can have a quick dinner and I can get a pattern cut out and started.

Something that I found super encouraging today was reading the “Quit Your Day Job” article on the Storque. Lillyella gives some great advice and really got me in the mood for success! She’s also made it to a Treasury!