
Posts Tagged ‘purse’

{Gimmie Post}

In Uncategorized on November 24, 2009 at 8:42 pm

Click on the pics to go to the Etsy Shops!



Three Things

In Uncategorized on April 27, 2009 at 4:00 pm

It’s Monday, and although it’s a day closer to my Europe get-away, it’s not a good Monday. BUT I was reading Three Beautiful Things, a blog on my blogroll, and I decided I needed to cheer myself up so here’s three things that I find GOOD today:

  1. My fruit smoothy is delish!
  2. It’s snowing and sunny at the same time…how weird (but cool looking!) is that?
  3. My new purse that Mom bought me. Red plaid, black pleather. For our trip to England…it’s SUPER awesome! And weirdly enough, my Mom picked it out and I love it! (This doesn’t happen often).

There. Sigh. I actually do feel better already! Maybe I should try some more:

  1. I’m running to get a Starbucks asap.
  2. The NEW Arbonne catalogs came out and I’m browsing through one.
  3. I’m placing a BIG Arbonne order tonight. Yay!
  4. My hubby is super hot. And I get to kiss him all day ’cause we work in the same office.

Sigh. Yep, I feel good.

Maybe good enough for a cup of tea.

Then Starbucks.

In Uncategorized on March 31, 2009 at 3:00 pm


“I look good. I mean real good. Hey everyone, come and see how good I look!”. (A quote, from Ron Burgandy…not really what I think of myself. But I sure do think my shop looks nice!).


In Uncategorized on March 6, 2009 at 6:57 pm

Originally uploaded by katelynjane.etsy

Well, I just realized that this bag is no longer in the shop! I’ll have to go through my inactive items and re-post it. I love this bag. It’s so functional and perky! The print is so fun and happy, it’s a feel good bag!

The red bag I made (in the post below) was made as a diaper bag / purse, and this one could be the same! It’s big enough for diapers, bottles, a wallet, keys, and some baby clothes. And it has two exterior pockets to help with organization.

Red White and Tan

In Uncategorized on March 4, 2009 at 3:00 pm



I brought a few samples of fabric to a friend to see if any of them were something she wanted. She chose this one and I was so excited to get going on it. Even though I was busy renovating our bedroom this weekend, I just had to make time to create this bag. The friend who requested this bag is expecting a baby in June and wanted the purse to double as a diaper bag.

Instead of using nylon straps, I finally had a chance to use the rucksack-like ones I ordered off of ebay ages ago. I sewed the top centre of the straps into tighter sections, which made them easier to sit on shoulders.

~Modish Marketplace~

In Uncategorized on November 1, 2008 at 3:00 pm


I’m on Modish Marketplace! I bought a space on the Market a month ago or so and it’s up!

New Pocket Palls!

In crafts, etsy, store on October 9, 2008 at 12:42 am


Meet Franke and Cass. They’re best friends. They love making mud pies and spying on spying on Cass’s older sister, Darla. Cass loves eating Maltesers, but Franke hates them. So Cass sticks her tongue out at Franke when she’s eating them.

                                                             Franke loves drawing.

                                                                Cass loves painting.


                                                       Franke also likes taking weird pictures of herself.

More Projects

In Uncategorized on September 13, 2008 at 3:00 pm



I finished another bag last night (: I love this fabric and I’ve made the handles a little bit different again. I tied the knot on the rope handles inbetwene the lining and the outer shell so you can’t even see it. There’s also two zippered pockets on either side of the bag. The handle is long enough that you can wear it messenger style too!


Yippee!! It’s finally Saturday! More sewing for me (: I’m planning on getting up a bit early since Hubby will be getting up early too. That’ll give me a good head start on more bags and hopefully a chance to work on my other blog!

Hot Off The Press

In etsy on September 3, 2008 at 10:03 pm




Here’s another new bag I was working on last night (: My hubby likes this one better than the nautical bags I made in this style. I really like the handle on this bag, it’s super comfy and fits really well under your shoulder.

I’m going to have to take more pictures with the white background, I really like it!

Getting Out There

In etsy on September 2, 2008 at 8:46 pm


It was a long weekend this past weekend so I had way more time than usual to work on my bags (: Yay! My hubby says “So what are you planning to do today? Something fun?” “Yep,” I replied “Sew!”. He just stared at me blankly 😀

I had more fabric left over from the Nautical Bag, so I tried another color and just LOVE it. I’m really enjoying this pattern! I bought some great fabric on the weekend too so I’ll be sewing up different colors in this style.

We had friends over last night and they were looking through the bags I was in the middle of…I’ve now sold a couple of those (I’ll post pictures when they bags are finished). ANNND because of the auction my bag was in for Nie Nie, I’ve made new contacts and possible sales.

I forgot to post the Goals entry last week, so that’ll be coming up later on this afternoon (:

Enjoy your Tuesday lovelies!!