
Posts Tagged ‘work from home’

Trace My Face

In etsy, Uncategorized on January 29, 2009 at 6:08 pm


Well well! Look at that. I’m back two days in a row!

I’m tired and hungry but super happy! I had an Arbonne party last night that went really well. One girl signed up as a consultant and two girls bought $840.00 worth of products! There was a bit of confusion about the ordering buy we got it straightened out and it’s all good now.

My focus now is to book more parties. My goal is to book three parties a week in February. Hopefully that will get me to the next level in the company and I’ll be just that much closer to working full time with Arbonne and driving my Mercedes!

People keep asking if getting the Mercedes from Arbonne is actually a realistic goal. Um, yes!! I live in a smaller town (10-13,000 pop) but there’s three girls in my area already driving their Mercedes and working full time at the Arbonne business. It’s do able IF you’re willing to work to get there.

You always have to view it as doing work now for play later. It’s not hard work, it’s a matter of keeping those wheels turning. And it’s FUN! I get three nights a week with great girls, visiting, trying out cosmetics and eating great munchies! It just doesn’t get better than that!

I work full time too but weirdly enough, I haven’t viewed my Arbonne nights as being overwhelming or “work”…EVER! That says alot.

Back to Etsy: Don’t you just LOVE the picture above?? It’s from the Trace My Face shop, you’ve gotta check it out! It’s really a great store, full of fun items, all types of things to entertain you!