
Posts Tagged ‘sell’


In Uncategorized on December 14, 2009 at 4:18 pm

Sometimes people make “cute” look so effortless! Jeeze…

Well peeps, it’s -40c here and ice fog is surrounding my work place so thickly, you can’t see anything. Why we are still open is beyond me. Seriously. What farmer in his right mind is going to be needing tractor parts in weather like this??

I should have phoned in and said my truck wouldn’t start. Dangit. Why didn’t I think of this earlier?

I’ll have new pictures of the kitchen this evening. You wouldn’t believe what we (aka: Hubby) has accomplished! I just about pee my pants every time I walk into the kitchen. I can’t believe it’s really mine, really just about finished and really so amazing. Wow. I seriously feel SO blessed!

Etsy Lovins

In Uncategorized on May 9, 2009 at 2:11 am


Abby and Grr (cute name eh?) opened up in February of this year and are an adorable addition to Etsy. And they’ve already made it on the front page! Woo! Do your daily good deed and buy a pretty item from their shop!

Oh my gosh, my Europe trip is just about to start…I’m so excited I have butterflies, can’t sleep, can’t eat. It’s like falling in love all over again. This is the cure for the seven year itch. Just go traveling.

I can’t wait to get there and take tons of pictures, see my family and visit the crazy awesome sites! Wish me luck, see you on the other side!

The Style of Now

In Uncategorized on May 5, 2009 at 4:48 am


Good Morning America!

Miss Brache is one of the most outstanding shops on Etsy. In more ways than one. They stand out (get it, ‘outstanding’..ha!), they excellent quality, they’re unique. They’re ahead of the pack when it comes to style, not to the point where it’s strange, but the the perfect point of delicious in-style fashion. Her style reminds me of Katy Perry.

Miss Brache is the biache.

Phhh. I have a lame sense of humor I know…I see you rolling those eyes.

A Girl’s Gotta Do…

In Uncategorized on April 21, 2009 at 3:00 pm


Lookit what I’ve bought! This wall decal from Willow Creek Signs is going to look perfect on our new light pink wall in the bedroom. Right above the cream colored bed…I can’t wait to put it up!

Then, a couple inches above our bedside tables, we’re going to hang these little pictures by Skinny Swallow. I already have one that is similar colors, but a different photo, and this Lilly Pad picture is going to look adorable on the opposite side of the bed.

I can’t wait to get these items in the mail and to start decorating our room a bit more. Once their up, I’ll actually make the bed and take a picture to share here!

I might buy this one later on…for above the dresser. Or somewhere else…I just have to have it!

Another thing I have to have: This pattern. I need to clean out my sewing room and sew a couple tops for England! I’m still stuck on what shoes to bring there though! We’re going to be doing a lot of walking…but I still want to wear my flats and sandals! What to do? Hubby thinks I’m being silly, but a girl’s gotta think about these things!

Any advice?


Icecream and Treasuries

In Uncategorized on April 13, 2009 at 8:00 pm

I’m totally in like with this Treasury! Aka Cinders created it and was a lucky girl and got it featured on the front page of Etsy! Wowsa! My favorite item? Why, thanks for asking! It’s the yellow pencil skirt, hands down. By Ureshii. Take a look at their shop, it’s like an icecream  store. So many flavors, so many yummy colors.


~Linkey Faves~

In Uncategorized on April 10, 2009 at 3:00 pm

I haven’t done a Linky post lately so here it goes, double time.

New and Cute Blogs:

New Fave Etsy Shops:


Also, take a look into Attila Design to look at their whimsical bed!

Yellow Cake

In Uncategorized on March 25, 2009 at 12:54 am


Yellow Cakeis one of my FAVORITE shops on Etsy, gorgeous items, so unique. I just wish I had some money to spare and I’d grab up a few of their items! One day…

Check out YC’s great site, even if you just want to hear some great music…or their blog. Yellow Cake is participating in a “Project Runway” type contest tonight, I can’t wait to see how she does and what she creates!! (Check her blog for more info!).

Finally Doing it!

In Uncategorized on March 19, 2009 at 3:00 pm


Well, I’ve found the needle nose pliers, which is hopefully the tool I need to make a necklace (who knows, but I’ll try it and see how it goes).

See the yellow beads? I made them! They turned out pretty good, they may need a varnish of some sort, another something I have to try out.

The hubby is working tonight so I’ll be busy watching a movie and trying out some jewelry making. Oh! And I bought a bunch of beads today off of Etsy. I love getting parcels in the mail (probably half the reason I order off of Etsy!) so I can’t wait till they arrive!


In Uncategorized on March 16, 2009 at 4:25 pm

I want:

These shoes

This hair thingy

This sweater

This wall decal for our bedroom

And this one too

This journal is pretty cute

And this necklace.

Stay classy San Diego.

In Uncategorized on March 13, 2009 at 5:39 pm


I love this necklace! The shape and size are so unique, and the print is just gorgeous! Check out LuluBug Jewelry for more funky work!

Well, today we leave on a short little road trip, for a family funeral unfortunately. It should be interesting. We were never very close to this family member, but it’s sad all the same that his wife has lost her husband and his son has lost his dad.

I woke up this morning excited, not about the funeral, but about life. It feels like something is about to happen…not sure what…but it’s exciting! Maybe it’s just that I have a few Arbonne parties booking for the end of this month.

I also have some Spa Events this month that I’m super excited about. I got the idea from an Arbonne Facebook Group and I’m really looking forward to doing it! I’m going to give the guests a mud mask, complete with cucumber eye coverings, hand scrubs and massages, and a foot treatment. I’m so excited!