
Posts Tagged ‘party’


In Uncategorized on October 10, 2009 at 12:07 am

Fifteen more minutes and my Thanksgiving Long Weekend starts!

I’ve been bored stiff here at work today, looking through class=”mceItemHidden”> Etsy, WordPress blogs, writing in my other blog…Take a peek at this super cool way to make stair walking more fun!

I’ll be placing another huge order from the Arbonne party I did a couple days ago. We kept it open until more girls could place outside orders, and I’m sure glad we did! At least another $500 more in products to be ordered! My parties have been rocking lately!!

Ok, off to enjoy my Friday night! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Gobble gobble!


In Uncategorized on March 26, 2009 at 4:43 pm

I had THE best night last night. It started off with cleaning the house, which wasn’t so great, but ended with a GREAT Arbonne party…I mean GREAT!

Oh, and I also watched part of Running In Heels, which is now added to my “Favorite Show” list (The Mentalist, Private Practice, Grey’s Anatomy, Castle, Project Runway, ANTM…How I find the time is beyond me!).

But back to the Arbonne Party.

I had a Spa Night with a girl and told her that if she brought a friend or two, I would give her a free Arbonne item. I got nervous when they hadn’t showed up on time, thinking that they weren’t coming at all, but they arrived and the party started. She had brought one friend and received the Sea Salt Hand Scrub, which is an AMAZING product (but what Arbonne products aren’t? :)).

I started off by giving the girls their facial. A face scrub got things going and then a rich mask. We got our tea ready and headed to the living room where I had soft music playing. The girls applied the foot treatment, then sat back as I gave them a hand scrub and massage. With the candles flickering and the music playing in the background, they were almost napping.

By the time they were ready to leave, the girls had ordered almost $400 of product each! Within two hours I had made $200. Talk about a sweet job! I love pampering people and helping them feel relaxed and I earned quite a bit of money doing it, what better job could a girl have?

I have another party tonight and I’m hoping there will be a few girls there to give the spa treatment too. Then on Saturday I have a Tea and Cupcake Party happening at my house for a bunch of friends. I’m going to have my Arbonne products displayed and we’re all going to have a facial. It’s going to be FUN!


Trace My Face

In etsy, Uncategorized on January 29, 2009 at 6:08 pm


Well well! Look at that. I’m back two days in a row!

I’m tired and hungry but super happy! I had an Arbonne party last night that went really well. One girl signed up as a consultant and two girls bought $840.00 worth of products! There was a bit of confusion about the ordering buy we got it straightened out and it’s all good now.

My focus now is to book more parties. My goal is to book three parties a week in February. Hopefully that will get me to the next level in the company and I’ll be just that much closer to working full time with Arbonne and driving my Mercedes!

People keep asking if getting the Mercedes from Arbonne is actually a realistic goal. Um, yes!! I live in a smaller town (10-13,000 pop) but there’s three girls in my area already driving their Mercedes and working full time at the Arbonne business. It’s do able IF you’re willing to work to get there.

You always have to view it as doing work now for play later. It’s not hard work, it’s a matter of keeping those wheels turning. And it’s FUN! I get three nights a week with great girls, visiting, trying out cosmetics and eating great munchies! It just doesn’t get better than that!

I work full time too but weirdly enough, I haven’t viewed my Arbonne nights as being overwhelming or “work”…EVER! That says alot.

Back to Etsy: Don’t you just LOVE the picture above?? It’s from the Trace My Face shop, you’ve gotta check it out! It’s really a great store, full of fun items, all types of things to entertain you!

~ Beauty ~

In Uncategorized on November 5, 2008 at 4:05 pm

This store is unbelievable! You know when they say that photos are everything on Etsy? If that’s true (which I think it is!) this shop has it all. Each of their pictures are a work of art…I would frame them. Really. I would. I’m thinking a burnt orange color on a wall with several of these photos in a black frame. But that’s  not even what Gougo Loft is selling! It’s the clothes! And they’ve already captured you haven’t they?



Well, I’ve been working my little bum off sewing the past couple days. I’ve sold seven bags, three on the Internet and four to girls in town! SO EXCITING!! I’ve decided that all the money from these sales is going to go into Arbonne products, in order to build up my stock of testers. Arbonne has a great deal for new consultants called the RSVP. It stands for something…but I can’t remember what it is (: Anyhoo, if you spend $840 on products you’ll only have to pay $420. It’s an awesome way to build up stock and be able to try out products for yourself.

I also just placed a pretty big order for catalogs, order forms, and samples from Arbonne. I’m headed to Calgary at the end of the month to see my sister and take in an NHL game (my first LIVE game! I’m SOOOO EXCITED! I even know what I’m going to wear already!). While we’re there my sis is going to host an Arbonne party / girls night. Wine, pastries, and of course makeup! What more could a girl ask for?! It’s a great way for me to maybe sponsor new consultants in that area.

I’m also going to tell the girls that come to the party that if they want to book a party with me, I’ll drive down again in January and do a couple parties in one weekend. And if they decide to become a consultant, this is a good way for me to help them out, train them a bit and answer their questions. Not that I’m a pro or anything yet! Arbonne is so great though, it has amazing resources so sponsoring new consultants long distance isn’t difficult!

Anywayssss! I’m rambling on! Hope everyone is having a great week so far!

Party On!

In etsy on October 25, 2008 at 12:37 am

Christmas is always a great excuse to buy a new dress. I know I need to! This dress from ArmoursansAnguish, on Etsy of course, is perfect for the holiday season. It’s shimmery and has great detailing. It’s PERFECT!

Bag Party!

In Uncategorized on August 21, 2008 at 4:50 pm

Well, last night my two guests arrived right on time (a huge feat for our little town). Unfortunately, I did something to my back so I was hunched over the whole evening, but they didn’t seem to mind at all as they oooh and aaaahhh over my bags. They just couldn’t get enough of them!

They each ended up buying a big KJ Bag and one of the ladies bought a Zippy too. It amazes me that I made $102.00 in less than 20 minutes!! But the best part for me is that they just loved my bags. It still blows me away that people adore something I made that much! I gave them a few business cards and they said they’ll be bragging about my bags to all their friends.

I told them to let me know if they ever wanted to have a little party with their girlfriends. Wouldn’t it be cool to have a regular home party with my bags? I’d just love it! To me, it’d be so much better than going to the Farmers Market. With a home party people come expecting to see one thing, instead of going to buy fresh veggies and then happening to look at my bags. It just seems like it’d be much easier to make a sale.

Yay for Etsy!!


Wedding Wednesday!

In Uncategorized on August 12, 2008 at 3:00 pm

Wowsah! It’s been a busy couple weeks, but I feel like this week is back in control and smoothing itself out already. Can I hear an AMEN?

This weeks Wedding Wednesday really gets me excited. There’s so much potential…but I’ll get to that later. We’ll start with pictures first:


I went down to Wal Mart and bought this vase for $3, the glue gun for $3, glue sticks for $3 and the hemp twine for $2.


I started by dabbing a dot of hot glue onto side of the vase at the very bottom. I didn’t cut the string into any length, but left it on the roll. I did unwrap a couple feet of it to give me some working room. At first I started glueing every single layer of string to the vase, but realized this wasn’t necessary. Instead I would put a spot of glue on the vase (about the size of half a dime) and quickly wrapped the string around the vase several times using the same dot of glue. I found with the one dot of glue, I could tack down aproximately four wraps of string.


Once I had covered the vase with the right height of twine (it just depends on the look you’re wanting) I glued the last string on and cut it an inch and a half (aprox) longer. I tucked the end of the string into a couple layers so it would look more finished.


Voila! Here’s the final product! I’ll just be using this vase for around the house, but it would be perfect for centre pieces at your wedding, surrounded by either t-lights or mini versions of the vase (votive holders would look great!). You could scatter pebbles around the table, or fall colored leaves too.

Like I said before, there is so many options with this centre piece! You could spray paint soup tins with your selected color and then glue the hemp string to it. Line several of these tins in a line, fill them with pussy willows or twigs like I have and surround them with t-lights. You could use votive holders in this same fashion, like I mentioned before.

Why not switch it up a bit? Instead of putting the willow twigs IN the vase, hot glue them to the side, and set a candle inside.

This vase cost me $4 to make ($3 for the vase and half of the hemp string…although it wasn’t quite that much). Now that’s affordable!

Feature Friday!

In etsy on August 8, 2008 at 3:00 pm



I’m not sure if this is a normal tradition or not, but for get togethers / parties / Christmas, I love to give a bottle of wine to the host or hostess. It’s just a way to say thanks. It’d be an ever BIGGER thanks to give wine in these great Wine Pockets!

And you know those ugly, generic glasses cases you get from the optometrist? Yeah. Dull. But theeeese glasses holders are anything BUT generic OR ugly!


All of these creations are made by Space Moderne, another great Etsy shop. If you’re thinking of buying gifts for the host of an upcoming party, family or yourself Space Moderne will help you out!