
Posts Tagged ‘similar’

Screen Shots

In Uncategorized on August 1, 2008 at 3:00 pm

For some reason I just love screen shots. Not sure why really, it might be the collection of similar but completely different items…common colors…yeah, not really sure! Here’s a fave of mine from the main page of Etsy.


It was created by The Paira Birds, a SUPER fascinating store on Etsy with really intriguing art work.

Do you normally browse through the Treasuries? I don’t, I love them but I don’t take the time to browse through the lists of created ones. Every now and then, when I have a free couple of seconds, I look at one or two and leave my comments…but that’s not too often.

I really should look more though, because every time I do, I find something inspiring. Usually “inspiring” means “another project I’d like to try”, but that never hurt anyone, did it? (:

Speaking of inspiring: I’m going to have a big load of picture in the next couple days…not of my items but something else super beautiful I found last weekend. Wait for it!