
Posts Tagged ‘gimme’

Gimme Post

In Uncategorized on December 15, 2009 at 3:00 pm

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In crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores on July 29, 2008 at 10:38 pm

I should almost write a daily post on things I want from Etsy…it’s way too easy to find items I want on that site! Dang you amazing crafty people!         


Isn’t this wrap amazzzzing?? Ahpeele is a one of those super sellers on Etsy, they have incredible products that people just can’t resist (I’m so doomed).


You know those funky household stores you walk into that immediately make you smell yummy? Red Leaf is one of those stores…only virtual. I want this spray, in this muggy heat, it’d feel so refreshing!


When I was little, we visited my family in England and I claimed my Grandad’s newsboy hat as my own for the entire trip. Now that I’ve grown up and they style’s now in again, it’s time to get one of my own! Sanchia’s store is so perfect and I’ve just GOT to have this hat!


The Vintage Chainis a new store on Etsy that’s a M.U.S.T to take a look at. Cute items! And it’s on my Gimme List this week (: Um yeah, husband…I hope you’re reading this.

Ok, goals for this week:

  1. Take picture of new bags
  2. Finish two new Kj Bags
  3. Work on BIG PROJECT (!!!)

I’ll explain more about the new Kj Bags when I’ve posted them…but I’m just not very happy about them…I’ll tell you more about that later.