
Posts Tagged ‘like’

Gimme Post

In Uncategorized on December 15, 2009 at 3:00 pm

Click on pics!


In Uncategorized on October 23, 2009 at 6:09 pm

Looking through some WordPress blogs yesterday I found a link to a new blog platform called Tumblr. Well, it’s new to me. I’ve decided to try my new blog, City Kat, there for a while. I LOVE the theme I have on it now, it makes my story entries so much easier to read. And there are tons of other themes to pick from too, ones that are way more creative than the ones I’ve been finding for WordPress.com.

I love my WordPress blog, but I love the features that this Tumblr has so far. I dont’ like that you don’t have built in Stats, which is something I know I’m going to find a pain. You have to use Google Analytics, which I’ve never had much luck with. But I’ll get it worked out. 

My Kitty blog seems to be finding its flow. The first few blogs were kinda rough, not really a style that I liked. That always happens with all types of writing though, you have to find your style and sometimes it takes a little while. I’m on entry #12 and I think that I’ve found the writing style I like.

Go on over and take a look!


Check out this Etsy shop too! Love love love!

Two-Timing Kitty

In Uncategorized on October 21, 2009 at 4:09 pm

Luke sat in front of me like a tempting piece of chocolate. Something I wanted, so badly, something that tasted so good, but in the end wasn’t great for my health and something I knew I couldn’t resist.

Have you visited my other blog yet? I’m really having fun with it! I’ve created a character, Kitty, and each entry is like a (short) chapter in her story. I’m even ‘staying in character’ when I answer the comments. It’s really fun! We’ll see where it goes…a book deal eventually? Hmm. Nice thoughts anyways (:



In Uncategorized on October 5, 2009 at 6:26 pm

I’m a two-timin’ blogger! I have two blogs going now…as if I don’t have enough to fill my time 😀

I love to write though, and I started this little ditty of a blog for a fictional character, Kitty. I thought it would be a cool way to write a story.

See what you think!

Other than that, life has been busy with Arbonne…my business is growing like I didn’t think was possible! I’m SO excited to see it expanding and  growing into my goals. It’s really cool to know that soon I’ll be able to quit my day job (or at least replace my income)!

The house is coming along too, windows and doors are in, sub floor is layed, roof is fully finished. We’re working on the electrical now and then we’ll be on to insulation (which is important, considering we’ve already had a snowfall!) and drywalling. Woo!! Pictures to come, I promise!!