
Posts Tagged ‘feature’


In Uncategorized on April 20, 2009 at 3:31 pm

Hubby and I went camping this weekend, and it was so refreshing to go out of town, escape the busy life and press the “restart” button.

Our camping spot is about 45 minutes out of town and pretty much in the middle of no-where. We love this spot, it’s surrounded by trees, beside a flowing river and really private (other camping spots are down the road, but no where near our spot). My favorite part of the weekend was when we were about to go into the camper for bed, the fire had dwindled down and it was near pitch-black. I looked up at the sky and the stars were so bright and so deep, it was hard to look away. Amazing!

Our dog had so much fun going for a run with the quad, swimming after beavers and wrestling with her friend Dom. She was finally out of energy by the time we got home…that never happens!

And today, real life continues…I’m at work, pretending to work, I had to wake up early, I need to book a hair trim, I’m making lists for Arbonne parties and orders, I’m trying not to think of England because we’re just that much closer (eek!!!)!

I’m being featured on Wunderbug this morning, on Courtney’s “My Story” entry. Take a peek!

All the Luck

In Uncategorized on February 24, 2009 at 3:38 pm

Some people have all the luck. Black Eyed Suzie is the lucky one this week. Not only does she have a Feature Sellerarticle, but Etsy has also put out a Handmade Portrait video of her creations. Lucky, like I said.

One thing I don’t get though, is why Etsy would feature items similar to the sellers…but NOT the sellers…in the pictures of “Related Items” under the article. In this case, the artist is a doll maker, so posting links / pictures to her dolls is awesome, but to other people’s dolls? Just doesn’t jive with me. Pictures, paintings, other items: sure, why not. But the competition? Nuh uh.

Just my thoughts…


Gift From a Sparrow

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2008 at 2:39 pm



A few Friday’s ago I featured Little Sparrows Nest, a super adorable Etsy shop filled with great photos. The owner of Little Sparrow was so pleased that I featured her, she sent me a free item! SO cool! I received it last week and I’m really impressed with the quality and the look of the item, it’s such a beautiful little piece of art. Once we start painting our bedroom the photo (which is mounted on a wooden block) will go up beside one of the bed side tables. I’m planning on purchasing this photo soon to go above the other table. It’s amazing how the colors match the paint I’ve picked out!

Thanks SO much Little Sparrow (:

I’m Featured!

In Uncategorized on October 21, 2008 at 9:18 pm

A fellow Etsy seller, Julie Christie, contacted me the other day to let me know I was in her Treasury! Thanks so much Julie (:  I really really love it that my bag was apart of this Treasury!

Feature Friday – Faves

In etsy on September 19, 2008 at 6:00 pm


It’s friday and I’m in the mood to spend money. So I’ve been searching through my Favorites to drool over some of the items.             


This skirt is made by PinarEris, a really amazing artist on Etsy (of course!). The way this skirt is photographed is beautiful, and although my style isn’t steam-punk if it was mixed with different items it would be more ‘me’.


I’ve been looking for a lower V t-shirt for a while now and FluxProductions has exactly what I’m wanting. I love this color, the sleeves, the print…everything (:


A few years ago I went to university for a major in English and minor in Art. Before I went, I thought abstract art was a joke. I’m not sure what changed in uni but I’ve learned to love abstract stuff now. It may be that I realize the work behind it, the textures the techniques…

This piece by The Architect Studio is just stunning. I just want to study it, sit there and take it all in. Beautiful.

Screen Shot

In Uncategorized on September 18, 2008 at 6:00 pm


Ottobone, Beadyize, Tortillagirl, Allencompanyinc, Ecologicalartist, Terrygraziano, Weaselle, ao3Design, aprettyrock.

Before I even thought too much about it, I cropped the creator’s name out of this Treasury! If you’re know who it is, please let me know! I’d love to credit them and give their shop a bit more exposure!

There’s some awesome items here, I think my favorite is the shoes. SO cute!!

* NOTE: An awesome Etsy member just contacted me to let me know this WHOLE screen-shot had been published on Flickr too. The creators name is JennyBunny. Check out her cute store, full of awesome jewellery!

On Display

In etsy on September 17, 2008 at 4:18 pm


I’m in a Showcase today (: It’s the Fall Fashion Showcase, which I thought my bags fit into perfectly (: Make sure to check it out!

Phewf! Last night I was able to finish another bag that I had been frustrated with on the weekend. Who knows what I was doing wrong initially. Maybe I just needed to step away from the machine for a while. I went back to it last night, took apart what I had done before and started again…no problems.

Now to take pictures! My camera is completely craped out so I’ll have to borrow one for a while. So no pictures so far, but as soon as I can, I’ll have some up!

Oops I Did it Again!

In etsy on September 6, 2008 at 8:01 pm

I guess I have an excuse: We did end up going camping last night so I was keeping myself busy with getting ready rather than blogging (:

So here’s Feature Friday…just on Saturday.



It’s SJane today (: Their catch line is so catchy: “Cute Stuff”. I love SJanes cartoon characters, in every shape and form. From stickers, hand carved stamps, toys and felt badges…all of them are so freaking adorable!! I should get some stickers to decorate my sewing machine!


I Give Up

In Uncategorized on September 4, 2008 at 3:34 pm

So I missed another Wedding Wednesday entry…I think I’m going to give this weekly article up. My life is just too busy now to keep up with extra crafty stuff! I’ll still do the odd craft here on the blog, maybe a video or two…but I can’t commit to doing a weekly Wedding Wednesday (:

Maybe when I start doing Etsy full time, I’ll have more time to do it again… 😀

Feature Friday – Jengs Shop

In Uncategorized on August 22, 2008 at 8:54 pm


People are always saying that you should comment on other blogs…not only to be nice, but to also get your name out there a bit more. I just comment because I like to, and sure, it’s nice if I get a view and comment back, but it’s not really why I do it.

Here’s another reason why commenting on blogs is great: It might get you a Feature Friday in one!

I found Jengs Shopwhen I was browsing through Make It, one of my fave blogs. She had left a comment and for some reason or other, it intrigued me to look further. I clicked on the name and it brought their Etsy shop. And voila! Now they’re being featured in my Blog!!

Jengs Shop is filled with great art work, to frame, use as note books, gift cards…there’s also beautiful photography.  It’s the perfect affordable stop for unique gift items or something to frame.