
Posts Tagged ‘dress’

Gimme Post

In Uncategorized on December 15, 2009 at 3:00 pm

Click on pics!

In Uncategorized on November 9, 2009 at 4:20 pm


The dresses came in!!!

They’re two weeks early, which is fantastic! We couldnt’ believe it…And they fit perfectly, the quality is amazing. They are exactly what we thought they would be, which is really saying something when you’re ordering them from a web site and really have no idea what you’re getting.

But we’re so happy they’re in and that worry is off of our shoulders!

Don’t mind the green color in this photo, I think the olive background made it look “off”, but they’re really a deep forest green.

I highly recommend buying from Lightinthebox.com. Highly.

Oh, and yes, they’re a bit long, but we’ll be getting them hemmed. We ordered them with more length just in case…longer is better than shorter!


In Uncategorized on October 28, 2009 at 3:00 pm

The Mystery of the Bridesmaid Dresses has been solved! We’ve found a super deal on bridesmaid dresses at Light In The Box.com. The reviews on the site seemed excellent and the dresses are exactly what my sister was looking for. Other than the color…we went with a dark green instead of the sage she was initially going for. But that’s ok! It’s going to go great with her decor and the winter feeling of the celebration.

I wish I could include a picture, but the photo isn’t saving properly. Click on the link  to see the exact dress.

The dresses will arrive two weeks before my sisters wedding, so if there’s any issues hopefully that will be enough time to make everything right.

Problem solved. Weight lifted. Phewf.


In Uncategorized on July 19, 2009 at 7:16 pm

If you’re looking for a site that will woo you back into love, take a peek at this little ditty.


I’ve been searching for unique dresses for my sisters wedding…or any other special occasion…and I found this awesome site. All vintage dresses, all fun and unique. I’m not sure if this one will work for a winter wedding, but I’d love to get it just to wear out for dinner.


In Uncategorized on April 5, 2009 at 6:46 pm

favorites1I was looking through different Etsy sellers shops and their favorites and found these great items in Armour sans Anguish’s faves. They’re all so different, I loved the combination and had to share it here!

It was great discovering Armour’s shop too, this dress, is really amazing! The colors just seize you!

Spring Outfitting

In Uncategorized on March 29, 2009 at 3:00 pm


I can’t wait to get my hair cut! Tuesday, it can’t come fast enough! I’m imagining this dress, with my new hair cut and this cute little flower. Both cutesy items from Etsy and perfect spring colors. You know what the best thing is about these two items? They’re both really well priced! Ok, well maybe that’s not the BEST thing…but it sure is nice.

By the way, the awful winter weather has subsided here in My Little Town and a spring breeze is rushing through, melting the snow away. Hubby keeps saying he thinks it’s spring, but I don’t have the courage to say that yet. This country always teases us.


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In Uncategorized on February 25, 2009 at 3:37 pm


*picture from MSN Fashionism

I love the Oscars and I was so glad that I got to see even a bit of them this year. I had an Arbonne party later that night, but I was able to watch the red carpet walk, which is what I like the most anyways.

There were so many stunning (that’s not even a big enough word to describe them) dresses this year, it was hard for me to pick my favorite. I looked through MSN Fashionism’s Oscar faves and I loved them all!! But Sarah Jessica Parker’s dress was the one I couldn’t get enough of. I just kept going back to it to stare. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

I love everything about it! The color is the ‘in’ color right now, the style is so old school and perfect, the belt and the layering and the detailing…it’s all breathtaking. Sigh.

I want it.

Party On!

In etsy on October 25, 2008 at 12:37 am

Christmas is always a great excuse to buy a new dress. I know I need to! This dress from ArmoursansAnguish, on Etsy of course, is perfect for the holiday season. It’s shimmery and has great detailing. It’s PERFECT!


In Uncategorized on August 5, 2008 at 6:51 pm

Well, because of my hugely hectic week last week I forgot my Feature Friday!! How terrible am I??

So here it is today with a beautiful shop, Liza Rietz. It was hard for me just to pick a couple pictures from Liza’s shop! I wanted to use the whole store, it’s so beautiful!





Liza’s items are so classic and modern all rolled into one. They’re seriously timeless. If you’re looking for a beautifully unique item to wear, maybe to a wedding or a special party, or just something special for a first date, this is the place to shop.

So stunning!