
Posts Tagged ‘necklace’

Gimme Post

In Uncategorized on December 15, 2009 at 3:00 pm

Click on pics!

The White Owl

In Uncategorized on August 15, 2009 at 3:00 pm


I haven’t been visiting Etsy very often lately…partly because I’m slightly bitter at my non-success on that site, but also because I have tons on my plate at the moment (which may have something to do with my lack of success…).

Every time I do visit the Etsy site though, I’m reminded about the passion I have for creating. My eyes fill my brain with amazing inventions, creative conquests and brilliant ideas. And questions like “Why didn’t I think of that?!”.

The White Owl shopis now being featured as Etsy’s Featured Seller and it’s a perfect shop to be in that place. It’s a store you just have to take a look through, their pieces are so delicate and girlie. It’s captivating.

Arundel Castle

In Uncategorized on May 29, 2009 at 12:54 am


Let me introduce you to Arundel Castle, the second biggest inhabited castle in England (the first being Windsor). And the coolest one I’ve seen to date…although “coolest” doesn’t seem like a good word to describe a castle.

Arundel is just a little ways from my Uncles house, where we were staying in England. AND one of the best parts about this castle (there were so many, but this was high on the list) is that the new film The Young Victoria was filmed there, or at least a bit of it.

The Duke and Duchess of Norfolk live in the Castle 6 months out of the year and the other six months, they open it up to the public. Although, I think that they are still there while it’s open to the public, they just don’t use the whole thing. We were able to meet their assistant butler, which was super interesting. He told us about their traditions at a formal dinner such as, how to eat a banana – slice both ends off, cut the top piece of banana peel off, and then cut little pieces of the banana and eat it with your fork. He also told us that it takes two days to set the table for a formal dinner, because of all the measuring and making sure everything is perfect (literally!).  


I loved all the little rooms and hallways through the castle, and could imagine the Dukes grandchildren just loving exploring the castle!


My absolute favorite thing about the Arundel castle was seeing Queen Mary of Scott’s ORIGINAL rosary, prayer book and pearly necklace! It was amazing to see it in person and know that Mary had held those beads and prayed over that little book. Apparently, a girl in the Norfolk’s family had been Mary’s Lady in Waiting and Queen Mary had passed these belongings off to her before she walked up to get beheaded.

Interesting stuff!

Etsy Lovins

In Uncategorized on May 9, 2009 at 2:11 am


Abby and Grr (cute name eh?) opened up in February of this year and are an adorable addition to Etsy. And they’ve already made it on the front page! Woo! Do your daily good deed and buy a pretty item from their shop!

Oh my gosh, my Europe trip is just about to start…I’m so excited I have butterflies, can’t sleep, can’t eat. It’s like falling in love all over again. This is the cure for the seven year itch. Just go traveling.

I can’t wait to get there and take tons of pictures, see my family and visit the crazy awesome sites! Wish me luck, see you on the other side!


In Uncategorized on April 29, 2009 at 4:40 pm


I’m totally swooning over these necklaces! I just found them on the front page of Etsy (Kangas, you lucky duck!) and I am just drooling (ha! I just about wrote ‘drooping’ there).

At the Christine Kangasstore, you can buy necklaces and matching earrings, they’re all so quaint and so “just plucked out of the garden” feeling. You’ll feel like a pixie or nymph wearing these incredible creations!

Just beautiful!


Finally Doing it!

In Uncategorized on March 19, 2009 at 3:00 pm


Well, I’ve found the needle nose pliers, which is hopefully the tool I need to make a necklace (who knows, but I’ll try it and see how it goes).

See the yellow beads? I made them! They turned out pretty good, they may need a varnish of some sort, another something I have to try out.

The hubby is working tonight so I’ll be busy watching a movie and trying out some jewelry making. Oh! And I bought a bunch of beads today off of Etsy. I love getting parcels in the mail (probably half the reason I order off of Etsy!) so I can’t wait till they arrive!

Finding Deals

In Uncategorized on March 17, 2009 at 3:00 pm


I went shopping while we were away for the weekend and found these great beads. Actually, they’re necklaces…but being an Etsy seller, I see what I could make out of them (: And to make them even better, they were on sale for $2.00 a necklace, ANNNND then Buy One Get One Free. Talk about a deal!

I’m going to be trying out jewelry making as soon as I can find those needle nose pliers…


In Uncategorized on March 16, 2009 at 4:25 pm

I want:

These shoes

This hair thingy

This sweater

This wall decal for our bedroom

And this one too

This journal is pretty cute

And this necklace.

Stay classy San Diego.

In Uncategorized on March 13, 2009 at 5:39 pm


I love this necklace! The shape and size are so unique, and the print is just gorgeous! Check out LuluBug Jewelry for more funky work!

Well, today we leave on a short little road trip, for a family funeral unfortunately. It should be interesting. We were never very close to this family member, but it’s sad all the same that his wife has lost her husband and his son has lost his dad.

I woke up this morning excited, not about the funeral, but about life. It feels like something is about to happen…not sure what…but it’s exciting! Maybe it’s just that I have a few Arbonne parties booking for the end of this month.

I also have some Spa Events this month that I’m super excited about. I got the idea from an Arbonne Facebook Group and I’m really looking forward to doing it! I’m going to give the guests a mud mask, complete with cucumber eye coverings, hand scrubs and massages, and a foot treatment. I’m so excited!

Set Sail

In Uncategorized on March 12, 2009 at 1:00 pm

I’ve always loved pirates and dream about being a she-pirate, sailing the seven seas for deadly treasury. These dreams stem from the stories my dad would tell us kids when we were little, pirate mice, badgers and foxes sword fighting and hunting for their booty.


I just LOVE this necklace by Flight Path Designs, perfect for a secret pirate wanna-be like meself. And to add to the awesomeness of this piece, it’s placed on leather…talk about a genuine feel. With a sequined fitted white top, black jeans and tall leather boots, you’ll live the pirate life inside and the gorgeous life on the outside.