
Posts Tagged ‘buy’

This and This

In Uncategorized on July 16, 2009 at 3:17 pm

I was on Etsy for the first time in forever today and I found a few things that cought my eye (imagine that! This hardly ever happens on Etsy…wink):

And before I spend my last penny, I need to stop looking…

Oh: A new fave blog!

The Style of Now

In Uncategorized on May 5, 2009 at 4:48 am


Good Morning America!

Miss Brache is one of the most outstanding shops on Etsy. In more ways than one. They stand out (get it, ‘outstanding’..ha!), they excellent quality, they’re unique. They’re ahead of the pack when it comes to style, not to the point where it’s strange, but the the perfect point of delicious in-style fashion. Her style reminds me of Katy Perry.

Miss Brache is the biache.

Phhh. I have a lame sense of humor I know…I see you rolling those eyes.

~ So Sweet ~

In Uncategorized on April 29, 2009 at 8:00 pm

So you know how I purchased a block picture from Skinny Swallow? Well, I got it in the mail yesterday and it came with a surprise! Another block! Yep, a second one for free. I love this shop, Michaela has a way of making her buyers feel so special and loved.

The block below is the free one that Michaela sent me, isn’t it beautiful? I think this one is going to go in my living room, maybe beside my antique books…or right next to my great-aunts tea cups.


This week is turning out to be a busy one! I decided to go for the next level in Arbonne at the last minute (late last week!) and I’ve been working hard at getting there! My goal is to hand out 20 samples in the next couple days, this way I’ll get new contacts and hopefully a few sales. I also have three parties this week (the second one is tonight!), so that’s keeping me on my toes!

But I’m going to do it! I’m going to make it to District and start reeling in the big bucks! Wish me luck!

A Girl’s Gotta Do…

In Uncategorized on April 21, 2009 at 3:00 pm


Lookit what I’ve bought! This wall decal from Willow Creek Signs is going to look perfect on our new light pink wall in the bedroom. Right above the cream colored bed…I can’t wait to put it up!

Then, a couple inches above our bedside tables, we’re going to hang these little pictures by Skinny Swallow. I already have one that is similar colors, but a different photo, and this Lilly Pad picture is going to look adorable on the opposite side of the bed.

I can’t wait to get these items in the mail and to start decorating our room a bit more. Once their up, I’ll actually make the bed and take a picture to share here!

I might buy this one later on…for above the dresser. Or somewhere else…I just have to have it!

Another thing I have to have: This pattern. I need to clean out my sewing room and sew a couple tops for England! I’m still stuck on what shoes to bring there though! We’re going to be doing a lot of walking…but I still want to wear my flats and sandals! What to do? Hubby thinks I’m being silly, but a girl’s gotta think about these things!

Any advice?


~It Works~

In Uncategorized on March 27, 2009 at 3:00 pm

First day, and already I’m seeing Twitter in action! I found this event from a Etsy seller I’m following on Twitter and I’m blogging about it, there: Twitter Works!

Here’s a SUPER great Etsy event that’s happening tonight, just go take a peek and see if you can be involved! It’s really easy and so much fun! Like a secret treasure hunt, or jumping out to scare someone and then laughing your head off at their frightened expression (Yes, I still do this and yes, I laugh SO hard!).

You always wonder about these different promotional sites. Do they really work? Is all the hype ligit? Will it work for me? Well, I figure, if it works for so many other people, it’s bound to start working for me at some point!

Finally Doing it!

In Uncategorized on March 19, 2009 at 3:00 pm


Well, I’ve found the needle nose pliers, which is hopefully the tool I need to make a necklace (who knows, but I’ll try it and see how it goes).

See the yellow beads? I made them! They turned out pretty good, they may need a varnish of some sort, another something I have to try out.

The hubby is working tonight so I’ll be busy watching a movie and trying out some jewelry making. Oh! And I bought a bunch of beads today off of Etsy. I love getting parcels in the mail (probably half the reason I order off of Etsy!) so I can’t wait till they arrive!


In Uncategorized on March 16, 2009 at 4:25 pm

I want:

These shoes

This hair thingy

This sweater

This wall decal for our bedroom

And this one too

This journal is pretty cute

And this necklace.

Stay classy San Diego.

Clean Yourself Up!

In Uncategorized on January 31, 2009 at 9:31 pm



In this economy I think it’s super important to support the little businesses. Whether that’s Etsy or other types, I feel like it’s critical to support the little man.

That’s why I love Etsy! It’s such a great place for young businesses to build their foundations. It’s affordable, easy and caters to every kind of taste.

Sometimes it’s hard; you look at an item and think “well I could buy that at Wal Mart for so much cheaper!”, but really what you need to remind your self about is that that item (soap, hand cream, makeup etc) will last SO much longer being that it doesn’t have fillers like the big name brands. It’s definately worth the extra buck or two.

Check out Adoration Soap on Etsy! Seriously awesome products adorned with gold flakes or other decorative art, this soap (and scrubs and whipped soap) is a great gift or present for your own home.


In Uncategorized on November 26, 2008 at 3:31 pm



Christmas is almost here! Can you believe it?? I can’t. It came so fast…hopefully this year I can love every minute of it before it slips past us.

I have such a huge amount of family to buy for (7 siblings, mom, dad, inlaws and their children…which reminds me! Did I tell you I just became an aunty again?! My sister in law had her little Briea Lynae and she’s the most ADORABLE little newborn you’ve ever seen. I’m so proud!). Etsy as always is coming to the rescue! Last year I bought every single gift on Etsy, although hubby bought his boy gifts at Canadian Tire. It was a life saver not to have to leave the house or drive 2 hours to the city.

This year I have hubby’s mom and sister to buy for and while I was browsing through Etsy, these amazing post cards poped up. What a great stocking stuffer!! They’re colorful, which is what everyone needs in this dreary winter weather, and they’re just eye-catching!


I Went Window Shopping

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2008 at 8:51 pm

Wouldnt’ this shrug look great with a pink bridesmaid dress? Trendy Knitting


Tiana Nova Crochet makes these awesome earrings.

Whenever I see these flowers I drool. There`s something so beautiful and simple about them…