
Posts Tagged ‘wall’

The Kitch-en

In Uncategorized on November 10, 2009 at 9:09 pm

Hubby has thoughtfully designed a inset bookshelf in my kitchen, right above the small desk that will hold the phone and laptop. And, as fluke has it, a potlight is right above the shelf to add a homey and comfy glow. Love it!

I was thinking today, it would be cool to do some texture on the wall behind the desk and something creative with the inset shelf, to make it even more of a feature.

And somehow I found this link to doing wall stencils! I’m really loving on the look in the first video there. I think that might be the one.


And some cool brackets to finish off the shelf? Yep, I’m really loving this idea! I’m brilliant…


A Girl’s Gotta Do…

In Uncategorized on April 21, 2009 at 3:00 pm


Lookit what I’ve bought! This wall decal from Willow Creek Signs is going to look perfect on our new light pink wall in the bedroom. Right above the cream colored bed…I can’t wait to put it up!

Then, a couple inches above our bedside tables, we’re going to hang these little pictures by Skinny Swallow. I already have one that is similar colors, but a different photo, and this Lilly Pad picture is going to look adorable on the opposite side of the bed.

I can’t wait to get these items in the mail and to start decorating our room a bit more. Once their up, I’ll actually make the bed and take a picture to share here!

I might buy this one later on…for above the dresser. Or somewhere else…I just have to have it!

Another thing I have to have: This pattern. I need to clean out my sewing room and sew a couple tops for England! I’m still stuck on what shoes to bring there though! We’re going to be doing a lot of walking…but I still want to wear my flats and sandals! What to do? Hubby thinks I’m being silly, but a girl’s gotta think about these things!

Any advice?


Hot Saturday!

In etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores on July 26, 2008 at 3:00 pm


How cool is this shop?? Wall decals are the “new thing”! You can get funky sayings, have “decal pets” or build on the atmosphere of the room. Take this chandelier for instance, where else can you buy a chandelier for $30.00? And! It can be any color you want. Awesome hey?

Wall decal’ing is the perfect way to funk up any room in your house, or…your brick and mortar shop! (check out this cute little coffee cup!). And the decals don’t take up and floor space!