
Posts Tagged ‘body care’


In Uncategorized on October 10, 2009 at 12:07 am

Fifteen more minutes and my Thanksgiving Long Weekend starts!

I’ve been bored stiff here at work today, looking through class=”mceItemHidden”> Etsy, WordPress blogs, writing in my other blog…Take a peek at this super cool way to make stair walking more fun!

I’ll be placing another huge order from the Arbonne party I did a couple days ago. We kept it open until more girls could place outside orders, and I’m sure glad we did! At least another $500 more in products to be ordered! My parties have been rocking lately!!

Ok, off to enjoy my Friday night! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Gobble gobble!

My ‘Why’

In Uncategorized on June 27, 2009 at 7:19 pm

I just posted this entry on my Facebook page and thought it would be a good thing to post here too!

I have always been an entrepreneur, always trying business ideas no matter how big or small, and I’ve always known that owning my own business would be the only way I would really be happy about my job.

That’s why when Arbonne came along, I knew I had to jump on that train! The way that Jannah explained that she was able to take months off of work to be with her new baby, and STILL get paid a full wage, really made me realize that that’s what I wanted. Besides that, there was something about this business that I trusted and I felt clarity and a nudge towards it.

Something that Grandpa keeps reminding me about is that I’ll never be happy until I’m my own boss. And if you know me, you’ll know how true this really is! I’ve been working full time since I was 16 and I’ve had at least 15 jobs since then…some of them at the same time…(Let me just clarify that I’ve only been fired from one work place…the rest I left because I wasn’t happy for various reasons).

I want to be my own boss, I want to set my own work hours, I want to earn a wage that I’m worth!, I want to take holidays when I want, I want to sleep in, I don’t want to be blamed for someone else’s mistakes, I want to stay at home with my kids and still have a full time wage coming in. And you guessed it! Arbonne offers all of this and more!

What other job can you work at and say “My wage will never stop increasing!” or “Guess what, my boss is giving me a Mercedes!” or “I get paid for my co-workers work too!”, or even “I’m headed to Mexico for an all inclusive trip paid for by my company!” 

Everyone seems to think that there are very few people who actually succeed at businesses like these…but guess what! I know and my upline personally knows MANY women, in BC, in Alberta, in small towns and big cities, that are driving their Mercedes, earning huge cheques per month and going on trips with Arbonne!

If you want it, it’s there! You just have to push forward and take it for yourself, and that’s what I’m doing. Care to join me?


If you’re curious about Arbonne and the business, listen to this link by Becky Young. It’ll only take 25 minutes aprox and it’s SO interesting! If you want to go further from there, let me know! I’d love to answer any questions you have!

~ So Sweet ~

In Uncategorized on April 29, 2009 at 8:00 pm

So you know how I purchased a block picture from Skinny Swallow? Well, I got it in the mail yesterday and it came with a surprise! Another block! Yep, a second one for free. I love this shop, Michaela has a way of making her buyers feel so special and loved.

The block below is the free one that Michaela sent me, isn’t it beautiful? I think this one is going to go in my living room, maybe beside my antique books…or right next to my great-aunts tea cups.


This week is turning out to be a busy one! I decided to go for the next level in Arbonne at the last minute (late last week!) and I’ve been working hard at getting there! My goal is to hand out 20 samples in the next couple days, this way I’ll get new contacts and hopefully a few sales. I also have three parties this week (the second one is tonight!), so that’s keeping me on my toes!

But I’m going to do it! I’m going to make it to District and start reeling in the big bucks! Wish me luck!

In Uncategorized on March 23, 2009 at 3:00 pm

I love this girls work! There’s something attractive to me about re-purposed clothing and the designers process is always interesting.

My dog is sitting beside me on the floor, nudging her ball towards me and watching it with begging eyes. She’s so weird. She’ll purposely roll it under our living room chairs and then look at us like “Please help. Please!”.

This weekend was so nice! Saturday afternoon I had an Arbonne party, a Spa Party, where I pampered the girls with a facial, foot treatment, hand scrub and massage. I love pampering people! One girl booked another party, so I can pamper her and her friends too. The guests were so relaxed they were saying they wanted a nap!


In Uncategorized on November 20, 2008 at 9:35 pm

I’m on a roll! How many posts is this in a row? Yay for me!

SO last night was my first Arbonne Party by myself. My leader, Jannah, actually called before the event and said she wasn’t able to find a babysitter. I wasn’t too worried, by that time I had started to get confidant in the presentation process. I said I would be fine and Jannah stayed home with her little guy while I went to the party.

There were only three guests that showed up, and they were all my close friends, so the presentation wasn’t bad at all. Actually, I had a feeling since they were my friends, it might have been worse to try to present in front of the. With strangers, you can act. Friends know who you are what what you normally act like…But it was great! I told them at the beginning that I would be pretending they didn’t know me and I would be going ahead with the whole presentation. And I did. And it worked! I had my que-cards to follow and of course the catalog which is really like a magazine (full of info!).

And it was EASY!!

I read through my notes, added my own thoughts here and there and it went SO smoothly and I had a blast! The girls were all so attentive, although a couple of them had just been to Arbonne parties with other friends. And I was able to answer all of their questions, which was a big worry for me.


Today I met with a girl that is going to be doing the Arbonne Business and we went over her goals and the direction she wants to take with Arbonne. It was good!

Then Saturday I have another party which is going to be awesome. I’m really excited for it!

Self employment, anyone? An average of $140.00 a night, anyone?? Just ask me how!