
Posts Tagged ‘gift’

In Uncategorized on November 30, 2009 at 11:11 pm

Christmas isn’t even here yet and already I’m thinking of January birthday gifts! I just received this quilt in the mail (it only took a week!) for my Mom’s birthday. The three oldest kids in the fam are going in on buying it for her and we just know she’s going to die when she sees it!

Check out QuiltLover’s shop  for more absolutely amazing creations!


{Gimmie Post}

In Uncategorized on November 24, 2009 at 8:42 pm

Click on the pics to go to the Etsy Shops!



~ So Sweet ~

In Uncategorized on April 29, 2009 at 8:00 pm

So you know how I purchased a block picture from Skinny Swallow? Well, I got it in the mail yesterday and it came with a surprise! Another block! Yep, a second one for free. I love this shop, Michaela has a way of making her buyers feel so special and loved.

The block below is the free one that Michaela sent me, isn’t it beautiful? I think this one is going to go in my living room, maybe beside my antique books…or right next to my great-aunts tea cups.


This week is turning out to be a busy one! I decided to go for the next level in Arbonne at the last minute (late last week!) and I’ve been working hard at getting there! My goal is to hand out 20 samples in the next couple days, this way I’ll get new contacts and hopefully a few sales. I also have three parties this week (the second one is tonight!), so that’s keeping me on my toes!

But I’m going to do it! I’m going to make it to District and start reeling in the big bucks! Wish me luck!


In Uncategorized on March 18, 2009 at 3:00 pm


I love the Gift Guides! I was checking them out this evening, as I was watching The Mentalist (awesome show!!). They’re a great way of finding new favorites.


In Uncategorized on February 20, 2009 at 8:00 pm

Well, the week is finally over! It was a doozy. I had two Arbonne parties, which is always fun, and another one planned for this Sunday afternoon. I seriously love doing them! It’s so much fun getting together with girls, talking about makeup and making sales. I can’t wait until I can do Arbonne full time, with crafting on the side of course.

It would be so nice to work fully from the house instead of moving on to another job. Fill my time with Arbonne, Etsy and sporadic crafting urges. It would be so much fun!


Have you ever looked through the Gift Guideson Etsy? They’re a great resource for finding different gifts (go figure!) under different topics such as “Mom”, “Kids”, “Wedding”.

I found these earrings from Florabond in the Gift Guides and they’re so cute! If you’re looking for something springy to decorate your wardrobe with, these are awesome!

Clean Yourself Up!

In Uncategorized on January 31, 2009 at 9:31 pm



In this economy I think it’s super important to support the little businesses. Whether that’s Etsy or other types, I feel like it’s critical to support the little man.

That’s why I love Etsy! It’s such a great place for young businesses to build their foundations. It’s affordable, easy and caters to every kind of taste.

Sometimes it’s hard; you look at an item and think “well I could buy that at Wal Mart for so much cheaper!”, but really what you need to remind your self about is that that item (soap, hand cream, makeup etc) will last SO much longer being that it doesn’t have fillers like the big name brands. It’s definately worth the extra buck or two.

Check out Adoration Soap on Etsy! Seriously awesome products adorned with gold flakes or other decorative art, this soap (and scrubs and whipped soap) is a great gift or present for your own home.


In Uncategorized on November 26, 2008 at 3:31 pm



Christmas is almost here! Can you believe it?? I can’t. It came so fast…hopefully this year I can love every minute of it before it slips past us.

I have such a huge amount of family to buy for (7 siblings, mom, dad, inlaws and their children…which reminds me! Did I tell you I just became an aunty again?! My sister in law had her little Briea Lynae and she’s the most ADORABLE little newborn you’ve ever seen. I’m so proud!). Etsy as always is coming to the rescue! Last year I bought every single gift on Etsy, although hubby bought his boy gifts at Canadian Tire. It was a life saver not to have to leave the house or drive 2 hours to the city.

This year I have hubby’s mom and sister to buy for and while I was browsing through Etsy, these amazing post cards poped up. What a great stocking stuffer!! They’re colorful, which is what everyone needs in this dreary winter weather, and they’re just eye-catching!


I Heart Etsy

In Uncategorized on November 18, 2008 at 4:04 pm

Why? Because it’s awesome.

I got my second…actually, third! Wow I’m spoiled!…birthday gift my hubby bought for me and surprise surprise, it was from Etsy! Here’s a tip: If you would like something for Christmas from Etsy, heart it and then tell your family to look through your hearted items. Hubby looked through my hearted items and bought two of my FAVORITES from them.


The gift that came in the mail yesterday was a belt buckle from Foster Weld! The pink one at the bottom and it’s AWESOME!

Now I just need to buy the leatherto go with it (: Yay!

Feature Friday – Amazonika

In Uncategorized on October 31, 2008 at 6:12 pm

I refuse to let winter get me down! I’m going to surround myself with color; flowers on the table, colorful clothes, colorful decorations. Amazonika is a great way to keep color in your life through the dreary winter months.

Amazonikahas prices that are too affordable to pass up, and products that will make you smile. Check out their beautiful shop on Etsy and stock up on great stocking-stuffers or a nice piece of jewelry for the Christmas party.