
Posts Tagged ‘item’

Gift From a Sparrow

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2008 at 2:39 pm



A few Friday’s ago I featured Little Sparrows Nest, a super adorable Etsy shop filled with great photos. The owner of Little Sparrow was so pleased that I featured her, she sent me a free item! SO cool! I received it last week and I’m really impressed with the quality and the look of the item, it’s such a beautiful little piece of art. Once we start painting our bedroom the photo (which is mounted on a wooden block) will go up beside one of the bed side tables. I’m planning on purchasing this photo soon to go above the other table. It’s amazing how the colors match the paint I’ve picked out!

Thanks SO much Little Sparrow (:


In Uncategorized on October 15, 2008 at 11:00 pm

I know, I know! Enough screen shots already! I just wanted to share this one, maybe I’ll have it in a Treasury soon!

Work is getting to me…I’m really begging that I’ll have the opportunity to quit my job soon and work full-time with Etsy. I need to be my own boss. I won’t get into it, but if you have a boss, you know the issues that can come up. It’s gettin old. I’m just sayin’.

I wish I could stay home from work this afternoon!

Feature Friday!

In etsy on August 8, 2008 at 3:00 pm



I’m not sure if this is a normal tradition or not, but for get togethers / parties / Christmas, I love to give a bottle of wine to the host or hostess. It’s just a way to say thanks. It’d be an ever BIGGER thanks to give wine in these great Wine Pockets!

And you know those ugly, generic glasses cases you get from the optometrist? Yeah. Dull. But theeeese glasses holders are anything BUT generic OR ugly!


All of these creations are made by Space Moderne, another great Etsy shop. If you’re thinking of buying gifts for the host of an upcoming party, family or yourself Space Moderne will help you out!