
Posts Tagged ‘photo’


In Uncategorized on November 17, 2009 at 7:23 pm

I don’t know what it is, maybe it’s my sisters wedding coming up so quick (three weeks!!) or maybe I’m just dying for something pretty, but lately I’ve been having the Wedding Fever. Here’s a few more links I am falling in l.o.v.e with:

Connie Patterson

Snippet & Ink

Allyson Magda

Check out more pics like this one at Snippet & Ink.


In Uncategorized on April 15, 2009 at 5:55 pm


I love old pictures! Old pictures, history, facts and fiction, it’s all so exciting to me! And their clothes…their clothes are so fantastic!

I wish we had made it to England before my Granddad passed away, I was looking forward to asking him about his past adventures, his childhood and his experiences during World War II. My Dad is bringing back old pictures of Granddad and Grandma and their family and I hope to get copies of those great pictures. It’s not a replacement to the stories I was hoping to hear Granddad tell, but maybe they’re the next best thing.

When I see pictures like this I always wonder what came next. Where were they? Who was around? How did this scene play out? I imagine the story in my head like a movie.

This picture is of Hubby’s Grandma when she was a little one…kinda looks like she’s up to no good, doesn’t she? I love the lace detailing on the bottom of her skirt…and what is that chubby little hand holding onto?

I found this old picture (a reprint…but still, it was an original at some point…) and I think it’s beautiful!

In Uncategorized on November 26, 2008 at 3:31 pm



Christmas is almost here! Can you believe it?? I can’t. It came so fast…hopefully this year I can love every minute of it before it slips past us.

I have such a huge amount of family to buy for (7 siblings, mom, dad, inlaws and their children…which reminds me! Did I tell you I just became an aunty again?! My sister in law had her little Briea Lynae and she’s the most ADORABLE little newborn you’ve ever seen. I’m so proud!). Etsy as always is coming to the rescue! Last year I bought every single gift on Etsy, although hubby bought his boy gifts at Canadian Tire. It was a life saver not to have to leave the house or drive 2 hours to the city.

This year I have hubby’s mom and sister to buy for and while I was browsing through Etsy, these amazing post cards poped up. What a great stocking stuffer!! They’re colorful, which is what everyone needs in this dreary winter weather, and they’re just eye-catching!


Gift From a Sparrow

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2008 at 2:39 pm



A few Friday’s ago I featured Little Sparrows Nest, a super adorable Etsy shop filled with great photos. The owner of Little Sparrow was so pleased that I featured her, she sent me a free item! SO cool! I received it last week and I’m really impressed with the quality and the look of the item, it’s such a beautiful little piece of art. Once we start painting our bedroom the photo (which is mounted on a wooden block) will go up beside one of the bed side tables. I’m planning on purchasing this photo soon to go above the other table. It’s amazing how the colors match the paint I’ve picked out!

Thanks SO much Little Sparrow (:

Feature Friday – Little Sparrows Nest

In crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store on October 3, 2008 at 3:00 pm


I’ve been trying to re-do our bedroom. My colors are pale green with one wall in a very light pink. I’m trying to come up with ways to decorate the wall above the bed and while I was looking through Etsy I found Little Sparrows Nest. Their pictures are really so beautiful, soft and elegant.

I’m imagining several of these pictures put into a large square…you would never loose interest in that collection of pictures…all different and breathtaking in it’s own ways.



Little Rose

In blog on September 26, 2008 at 3:57 pm


Lately I’ve been trying to learn Photoshop and all it’s features. It’s a hard job! This is what I came up with last night, just fiddeling around with layering and opacity and of course using one of my own photos (:

New Site!

In etsy on September 12, 2008 at 8:00 pm

Have you ever heard of Fred Flare dot com? I just found it through the Featured Artist on Etsy. It’s a really cute site with cool items of all sorts (: Take a peek! I haven’t quite figured out if it’s all handmade items…or what the site is about exactly, but there’s super awesome stuff on it!

Speaking of the Featured Artist on Etsy…when am I going to get to be on there? (: It’s a goal: One of these days I’ll be the featured artist.

ETSY NEWS: I sold TWO bags on Etsy the other night. Two. To the same buyer (: Yay!! Hopefully sales are picking up! My goal is to have steady sales on the net during the winter and focus on the markets in the summer. That way I’ll have a good income coming in constantly.

Another new bag to come this afternoon!

PS: Also, check out great Flickr artist. Holy. Crap. Love it!

Friday Feature!

In Uncategorized on May 16, 2008 at 9:52 pm

I’ve decided to feature a few favorite Etsy shops each Friday…hence the “Feature Friday” title (smart aren’t I?;). Here’s a few that I’ve found either under my favorites or just cruising through Etsy. Have fun!


Ben and Oliver

Bay Moon Studio

Thanks for all the entries on the Contest! Today is the last day to enter, so if you’re visiting, make sure you pop your name by commenting on the “Contest!” entry. I’ll be announcing the winner early next week as well as posting a picture of their prize!