
Posts Tagged ‘decoration’


In Uncategorized on October 8, 2009 at 6:00 am




So this is where we’re at with the house now! It’s really coming along, and we’re so excited! It’s all closed in, which is the most important part at this point. The cold Canadian winter is coming soon. And by ‘soon’ I mean it snowed last night….

Soon we’ll be doing the electrical, insulation, drywalling….and the list continues.

It’s getting really stressful because the kitchen is torn up, there’s dust and dirt everywhere. Half my kitchen drawers and other storage are in the other room, stacked on top of each other. It’s making things challenging. But we’re trying to keep the end result in mind, the wonderful kitchen full of storage. And it’ll be here soon!

My hubby is doing so good, working so hard every night and hardly even taking weekends off. He’s amazing and I’m so lucky to be married to someone so hard working!

It’s Coming!

In Uncategorized on September 18, 2009 at 11:51 pm

Our house renos are slowly coming! Yay!! Since this picture was taken a few days ago, the shingles were completed and today the whole (or moat, as we call it) around the addition was filled.


I know it’s not that pretty of a sight, but in my eyes, I can see the new siding, windows and doors, and the beautiful and huge kitchen I’ll have soon!

Flooring, cabinets and countertop are ordered. The Garden doors for the other side of the addition and the new door and windows are in! We’re SO excited that this is all coming together a nicely as it is. We’re not only feeling excited, we’re feeling blessed.

See that big window on the white part of the house? And the door beside it? My next project (maybe I’m thinking a bit too far ahead…) is to make that big window another set of Garden Doors and block up that existing door. But my hubby would die if I mentioned that while we’re still in the middle of these kitchen renos! Haha!

Have a good weekend everyone!


In Uncategorized on March 16, 2009 at 4:25 pm

I want:

These shoes

This hair thingy

This sweater

This wall decal for our bedroom

And this one too

This journal is pretty cute

And this necklace.

Stay classy San Diego.

Gift From a Sparrow

In Uncategorized on October 27, 2008 at 2:39 pm



A few Friday’s ago I featured Little Sparrows Nest, a super adorable Etsy shop filled with great photos. The owner of Little Sparrow was so pleased that I featured her, she sent me a free item! SO cool! I received it last week and I’m really impressed with the quality and the look of the item, it’s such a beautiful little piece of art. Once we start painting our bedroom the photo (which is mounted on a wooden block) will go up beside one of the bed side tables. I’m planning on purchasing this photo soon to go above the other table. It’s amazing how the colors match the paint I’ve picked out!

Thanks SO much Little Sparrow (:

Wedding Wednesday!

In Uncategorized on August 12, 2008 at 3:00 pm

Wowsah! It’s been a busy couple weeks, but I feel like this week is back in control and smoothing itself out already. Can I hear an AMEN?

This weeks Wedding Wednesday really gets me excited. There’s so much potential…but I’ll get to that later. We’ll start with pictures first:


I went down to Wal Mart and bought this vase for $3, the glue gun for $3, glue sticks for $3 and the hemp twine for $2.


I started by dabbing a dot of hot glue onto side of the vase at the very bottom. I didn’t cut the string into any length, but left it on the roll. I did unwrap a couple feet of it to give me some working room. At first I started glueing every single layer of string to the vase, but realized this wasn’t necessary. Instead I would put a spot of glue on the vase (about the size of half a dime) and quickly wrapped the string around the vase several times using the same dot of glue. I found with the one dot of glue, I could tack down aproximately four wraps of string.


Once I had covered the vase with the right height of twine (it just depends on the look you’re wanting) I glued the last string on and cut it an inch and a half (aprox) longer. I tucked the end of the string into a couple layers so it would look more finished.


Voila! Here’s the final product! I’ll just be using this vase for around the house, but it would be perfect for centre pieces at your wedding, surrounded by either t-lights or mini versions of the vase (votive holders would look great!). You could scatter pebbles around the table, or fall colored leaves too.

Like I said before, there is so many options with this centre piece! You could spray paint soup tins with your selected color and then glue the hemp string to it. Line several of these tins in a line, fill them with pussy willows or twigs like I have and surround them with t-lights. You could use votive holders in this same fashion, like I mentioned before.

Why not switch it up a bit? Instead of putting the willow twigs IN the vase, hot glue them to the side, and set a candle inside.

This vase cost me $4 to make ($3 for the vase and half of the hemp string…although it wasn’t quite that much). Now that’s affordable!