
Posts Tagged ‘wallet’

Goal #2: Accomplished

In Uncategorized on July 19, 2008 at 3:00 pm

I had three goals this week:

  1. To try a new modge podge technique
  2. To sew several more Zippies and
  3. To crochet a hat for my neice / nephew (not born yet!)

I’ve now accomplished my #1 and #2 goals! Yay! I posted an entry with pictures of my newest attempt at covering a journalwith modge podge (Goal #1) and here’s #2:








Sigh. It feels good to get this list crossed off, even if it was small.

Feature Friday!

In crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores on July 4, 2008 at 3:00 pm

It’s the end of another week, another BEAUTIFUL week here in BC. Finally it feels like summer here!!

This weeks feature is Dayler, a great stop for unique wallets. Really, you aren’t going to find these anywhere else…just Dayler. They’d be great as gifts or something to funk up your packpocket. I know a few boys who’d just love the gun wallet and my sister would fall head over heels for the Aaron Kraten one.




Dayler’s products suite just about every style. You know those hard to buy for teens? This is the gift they want. Trust me. It’s the “in” thing. Why not stuff a few bills in there while you’re at it, kids can always use money.