
Posts Tagged ‘projects’

Wish I was here…

In crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores on August 2, 2008 at 3:00 pm


                      By Gallery 32

But I’m not…I’m here…waking up early for another Farmers Market. Hopefully this morning will go better than last week!

I’m so exhausted that I really shouldn’t be going this week, but I committed to it, so I really should. It really is a good think that it’s a long weekend, otherwise I’d be a mess for the coming week. My hubby’s bummed that we can’t go camping (friends are coming from out of town and we need to visit with them!) but I’m just as happy to laze around the house and craft.

I finally received my newest project supplies in the mail! The new straps I’m going to be trying out! I’ll need to test a few bags with it first, but I’m really excited for the final results to start showing. There’s some great ideas in my little brain, we’ll have to see if I can bring them to life!

Busy Little Bee

In Uncategorized on July 24, 2008 at 2:49 pm



I was busy again last night, could have worked for several more hours, but I turned it in at 9:30. I made several more bundles of cards AND (!) the most exciting news is the above card. It’s my own art work (: YAY! I sat down and sketched it out, traced it with the carbon ink pen from my Gocco set, made a Gocco screen for it and printed several sets of cards from it! It’s going to be so exciting seeing if people respond to this design, I sure had fun making it but it’s all about what the customers think.

I stamped the back of every card with my KatelyJane stamp from Sweet Paperie and wrapped the bundle of six cards in a inch strip of paper, closing it with Glue Dots and stamping the KJ Stamp on it again.

I was also busy cutting out MORE Kj Bags and sewing them. We’re in a “not spending any money” mode right now, and I need liner for a couple of my bags…so I guess they’ll just have to wait. I’ll focus on what I have and do my Gocco art, and I should be good for the Farmers Market.


Goal #2: Accomplished

In Uncategorized on July 19, 2008 at 3:00 pm

I had three goals this week:

  1. To try a new modge podge technique
  2. To sew several more Zippies and
  3. To crochet a hat for my neice / nephew (not born yet!)

I’ve now accomplished my #1 and #2 goals! Yay! I posted an entry with pictures of my newest attempt at covering a journalwith modge podge (Goal #1) and here’s #2:








Sigh. It feels good to get this list crossed off, even if it was small.

Learning Something New

In crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, sewing, store, stores on July 10, 2008 at 7:21 pm


I think one of my downfalls is my love for learning a new craft. It’s a good thing because it stretches my mind and makes my crafting know-how go a bit further, but it also ends up costing a bunch of money. Like when I wanted to learn the Gocco Printer, or now, when I’d like to try out the button maker. Little projects I’ve tried like crocheting, don’t cost much and are UBER fun (uber is a word you just have to start useing, it’s the new “awesome” or “super” or “neato” to those addicted to Anchor Man). I try to find more projects like these, ones that won’t break the bank, but sometimes you just need to splurge and try something really big.

There’s a new video in the Storque today that you might want to check out if you’re looking for a new and affordable craft. It’s all about embroidery and learning the Running Stitch. Becca is a great teacher and has very clear instructions. Make sure you take a peek and learn about your new addiction!

I was busy sewing last night, a Kj Bag (this is the name I’ve stuck with for the big bags I’m making) out of the load of fabric I bought a couple of weekends ago. So far it looks amazing…if I may say so. I have a serious lust for the material I used…the colors are so amazing! I’ll post pictures this evening of the finished product and the steps I took to get there, make sure you come take a peek!