
Posts Tagged ‘crafting’

MFH – May Find Helpful

In Uncategorized on April 8, 2009 at 3:00 pm

Going through my Blog Roll and Daily Reads, I came to Make It and knew I had to share the links she had.

  • Craftopolis– To see if your Etsy shop has been featured in a Treasury!
  • Craft Cult – To see if your Etsy shop has been featured in the Storque, the Front Page or Gift Guides. You can even see how many hearts your shop or items have. Also, you can check out their Vault for Treasuries that have been featured on the Front Page.

These are just a couple helpful sites that all us Etsy sellers might find handy (:



I’m trying to find some new clothes to bring to England. Simple but fun pieces that will be easy to chuck on and not make me think too hard about what will go with it. That way, I figure, I’ll have more time for exploring!

This shirt is by Lamixx, a super awesome store that I’m drooling over.


In Uncategorized on March 2, 2009 at 3:00 pm




I’ve been adding new items to the shop! These mugs were so much fun to make, I can’t wait to make more! I would have gone to get more mugs today, but we were busy painting our bedroom (yay!).

I’ve also been busy sewing another bag today! This one was ordered from a girl at my old job, so it won’t be going into the shop. It’s so good to be back in the sewing room! It’s been a while, and it feels good to be creating more bags. There WILL be more in the shop soon, it’s going to be hard to stop sewing now that I’ve started. I’ll be posting pictures of the new bag asap. I’m really impressed with how it’s turning it out!

Ready Made

In Uncategorized on February 28, 2009 at 3:00 pm


Holy Moley. I’m going to be so addicted to this site, I can tell already! Talk about a great resource! One of my commenters yesterday (thanks Everydaycreate!) mentioned this site and of course I had to check it out…And because of that, I now have a list as long as my arm of things to make. Crafts for the bride I’m helping this summer, stuff for my craft room. Yep, it’s going to be an awesome site to have around.

On Display

In etsy on September 17, 2008 at 4:18 pm


I’m in a Showcase today (: It’s the Fall Fashion Showcase, which I thought my bags fit into perfectly (: Make sure to check it out!

Phewf! Last night I was able to finish another bag that I had been frustrated with on the weekend. Who knows what I was doing wrong initially. Maybe I just needed to step away from the machine for a while. I went back to it last night, took apart what I had done before and started again…no problems.

Now to take pictures! My camera is completely craped out so I’ll have to borrow one for a while. So no pictures so far, but as soon as I can, I’ll have some up!

Oops I Did it Again!

In etsy on September 6, 2008 at 8:01 pm

I guess I have an excuse: We did end up going camping last night so I was keeping myself busy with getting ready rather than blogging (:

So here’s Feature Friday…just on Saturday.



It’s SJane today (: Their catch line is so catchy: “Cute Stuff”. I love SJanes cartoon characters, in every shape and form. From stickers, hand carved stamps, toys and felt badges…all of them are so freaking adorable!! I should get some stickers to decorate my sewing machine!


Dear Liberty…

In Uncategorized on August 6, 2008 at 4:06 pm

You featured my Etsy store and blog on your blog the other day and I just loved it! Thanks so much for thinking of me and linking to my stuff…I really can’t believe you think I’m “insanely talented”. That’s such a huge compliment!

To answer your question of how I achieve my photography: I have no idea! Really. I have this crap camera that hardly ever focuses properly, the lens doesn’t shut properly, it’s chipped and scratched and only cost $100.00 from WalMart. Half the time I have to take hundreds of photographs and still only end up with maaaaaybe one that will do. I guess if I was to say I had a “trick”, it’d be Picasa. It’s a photo altering and storage system that you can download for free and I use it to enhance my pictures, make them more sharp or add funky features to them. But it’s all the computer. Hopefully soon I’ll be getting a new camera, my hubby and I were just talking about getting it as a joint Christmas gift for ourselves…

Thanks for your advice, too! I’m trying to put into practice what you’ve said and hopefully my blog will become more successful because of it! Thanks (:

Wish I was here…

In crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores on August 2, 2008 at 3:00 pm


                      By Gallery 32

But I’m not…I’m here…waking up early for another Farmers Market. Hopefully this morning will go better than last week!

I’m so exhausted that I really shouldn’t be going this week, but I committed to it, so I really should. It really is a good think that it’s a long weekend, otherwise I’d be a mess for the coming week. My hubby’s bummed that we can’t go camping (friends are coming from out of town and we need to visit with them!) but I’m just as happy to laze around the house and craft.

I finally received my newest project supplies in the mail! The new straps I’m going to be trying out! I’ll need to test a few bags with it first, but I’m really excited for the final results to start showing. There’s some great ideas in my little brain, we’ll have to see if I can bring them to life!


In Uncategorized on July 25, 2008 at 7:00 pm

There’s a thing I have with lists. I write tons of them! I just love lists! Writing down my goals for the day, either in my personal life or at work, really helps me accomplish the things I was wanting to do. It feels great to cross things off and move onto the next project.



Todays list is for the Farmers Market (tomorrow!!). I have a ton of finishing up things to do this evening…sometimes I hate working a full time job as well as my crafting! As much as I really love my job, I wish I could just do crafting full time!

The two biggest things on my list to do is printing out business cards and sewing another Kj Bag. I finished two last night but I’d like another one done for tomorrow. I’ve decided not to worry too much about the Zippies, they just take a few minutes to do so they’re perfect for last minute stuff.

My hubby finally brought home a printer (he’s a computer tech, you’d think we’d have everything we needed in the computer department!) so I can print my cards off at home instead of going down to his office. This’ll save a bunch of time! I can’t wait until after this FM though, then I’ll to be able to afford the business cards I’ve purchased from Apples And Chalk Dust. Yay (*:

I’m still working on that “BIG PROJECT” and I’m hoping to reveal it SOON!! Keep checking back to stay updated!!

Goal #2: Accomplished

In Uncategorized on July 19, 2008 at 3:00 pm

I had three goals this week:

  1. To try a new modge podge technique
  2. To sew several more Zippies and
  3. To crochet a hat for my neice / nephew (not born yet!)

I’ve now accomplished my #1 and #2 goals! Yay! I posted an entry with pictures of my newest attempt at covering a journalwith modge podge (Goal #1) and here’s #2:








Sigh. It feels good to get this list crossed off, even if it was small.

Need a New Craft?

In blog, crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores on July 13, 2008 at 8:00 pm

Apparently I do. I dont’ really…but my brain is always forcing me to spend more money and learn new things. Dang you, brain!

I was going through my blogroll when I peeked into Erin Zam’s blog. I always love her entries but this one was even more inspiring. If you’re looking to start or try out a new craft technique, this is the entry to get you started. Check out her Etsy store while you’re in the clicky mood!