
Posts Tagged ‘homemade’

{Gimmie Post}

In Uncategorized on November 24, 2009 at 8:42 pm

Click on the pics to go to the Etsy Shops!




In Uncategorized on October 19, 2009 at 1:00 am

My gosh people! I’m DYING for one of these quilts. Really, I’m a farm girl at heart. And mix “romantic” in there too, and seeing a quilt brings images of a wine and cheese picnic beside a slow flowing creek, willows flowing their long branches in the clear water. The sun is warm and bright, and the wine is making me sleepy.

Oh. Right, I’m writing a blog entry. Wow, I just got totally lost in that other world…

I was visiting Kid Stuff World, one of my lovely blog loves. Stacey rocks! But one of her blogs caught my attention with it’s beautiful, stunning and completely cozy picture of a quilt. The link lead here: Simplify: Feeling Lucky


You have to check out her store!

A Tad Obsessed

In Uncategorized on August 12, 2009 at 3:55 pm

You know how I love weddings…like looove weddings…So much so that I attack every bride I know and beg “Let me help with DECORATING!”. It’s sad.

So that’s why I still have “Style Me Pretty” as a blog favorite, because I can’t get enough of decorating and ideas and colors and dresses and flowers and…well, you get it.

This weeks Handmade Wedding article in Etsy’s Storque totally caters to my obsession.


And I L.O.V.E. this, it’s such a huge stamp and perfect for any sort of funky craft!

This and This

In Uncategorized on July 16, 2009 at 3:17 pm

I was on Etsy for the first time in forever today and I found a few things that cought my eye (imagine that! This hardly ever happens on Etsy…wink):

And before I spend my last penny, I need to stop looking…

Oh: A new fave blog!


In crafts, etsy, selling, store on July 23, 2008 at 7:00 pm

I accomplished a couple of my goals last night, I cut out several Kj Bags (with new pocket designs!) and then worked on my Gocco printing. I haven’t done Gocco for a while so it was really exciting getting back into it! I was so bummed when I wasted two bulbs (they’re only good for one time) by loading the screen and blue filter wrong. Dang it!

I bundled the finished cards into groups of six and I’ll be selling them at the Farmers Market this weekend. I’m not sure if this is something I’ll continue doing, but it’s just a fun project I wanted to try out. I’d like to screen-print some paper for this type of thing eventually, but that won’t be for a little while. I think it’ll end up being more affordable though.

I think I’m going to price the cards at $10.00 for each set. That makes it only $1.67 per card, which I think is a huge deal for something handmade. You can’t buy generic cards for that much!






A Serious Addiction

In etsy, store on July 9, 2008 at 3:00 pm


I found a new favorite shop on Etsy and have ordered new fabric from her. They’re SO CUTE! The pink japanese linen fabric is from Milco Tiger Favorite. Even though she’s located in Japan, the shipping was super fast…I got the package within the next week!

The other fabric I found from a store on Ebay, I just couldn’t say no!

I have this serious attraction to colorful and bright fabrics lately! I’m hoping this is a good thing. I used to be attracted to fall colors, probably because these colors are what I normally wear.

I’ll be posting more pictures of my projects with these fabrics and others! I’ll be working my buns off this week since I’m planning on going to the Farmers Market! SO EXCITED!

Feature Friday!

In etsy, seller, store, Uncategorized on June 6, 2008 at 6:00 pm

Do you ever see things and think “Gah, why didn’t I think of that?”. Usually they’re brilliant ideas that you just know will be popular and fun, and they catch your eye right away.

For this Feature Friday, I noticed BurrowBurrow and was transfixed with their stuff as soon as I saw it. My first thought was “I wish I could do that!”, their creations are so amazing, fun, simple and attractive.

BurrowBurrow uses broken parts from electronics and machines to build their cute creations. They are seriously FUN looking…there’s just no other way to explain it! (Ok, there might be other ways to explain it, but “merriment, glee, gaiety and mirth” just didn’t seem to cut it!).

I think they’d be a super cute gift for a pencil-pusher in your life…how cute would these be on a desk? Instead of an apple, why not give one of these to a teacher for an “End of the Year” gift?