
Archive for the ‘stores’ Category


In blog, etsy, stores on October 2, 2008 at 3:00 pm

Modish is one of those blogs that I strive after. I realize I’m not in their “league” (Ahem, YET) but it’s something I am working towards slowly but surely.

The other day I was browsing through the Etsy Forums and saw that Modish (Jena) has an Etsy profile! Very cool. She was linking to her blog (see, even the big blogs promote themselves in Etsy Forums!) because she had made this great entry on marketing. Not only are there tons of links, but there’s also a short discription on what the blog / company will look for when you present yourself to them. It’s really something to read through, if not act on just yet.

While I was at the Modish Blog, I clicked on an entry I saw about Trashy Diva. It’s a shop full of great clothes, shoes and accessories. Really, it’s vintage style, but they’re super cute and could fit any style. And the prices are pretty reasonable too! There’s a pair of boots that I really really want…but they’re a bit out of my price range (as good boots usually are!).

I love Modish. It’s actually one of the sites that I’m going to try to advertise on. Oh, I didn’t write about advertising here did I? Nope, that was in the other blog.


Wish I was here…

In crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores on August 2, 2008 at 3:00 pm


                      By Gallery 32

But I’m not…I’m here…waking up early for another Farmers Market. Hopefully this morning will go better than last week!

I’m so exhausted that I really shouldn’t be going this week, but I committed to it, so I really should. It really is a good think that it’s a long weekend, otherwise I’d be a mess for the coming week. My hubby’s bummed that we can’t go camping (friends are coming from out of town and we need to visit with them!) but I’m just as happy to laze around the house and craft.

I finally received my newest project supplies in the mail! The new straps I’m going to be trying out! I’ll need to test a few bags with it first, but I’m really excited for the final results to start showing. There’s some great ideas in my little brain, we’ll have to see if I can bring them to life!

Creative Lapse

In blog, crafts, creativity, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, sewing, store, stores on July 31, 2008 at 4:56 pm

This week has been really lacking in creativity for me…well, when it comes to sewing and my normal crafts, I guess I’ve been creative in a different way.

Last nights event with Karla Carol-Ann, the makeup artist and fashion stylist from NYC was really interesting. I spent all day at the hotel getting the conference room ready, decorating and making sure the set up of the room was what we needed (the hotel didn’t take notes when I was describing what I wanted before and had everything completely wrong when I got there).

The biggest thing I learned from Karla was to wash my makeup brushes…did you know to do this?? I had no idea! But it really makes sense since you’re using them constantly and they collect bacteria. Also, I discovered that I need to get new brushes for my eye makeup. Anything to make the morning ritual go faster!


But that’s enough about that…

Creativity is a MUST for tonight! I’ll be working on accomplishing my weekly goals as well as sewing a new Kiki Bag, special ordered from a co-worker. I’m excited to work on this bag as it’s the same style as my Hobo Bag. It’s just a fun and cute style.

I’m also still waiting for my grommet press that I ordered on Ebay, I hope it comes before the weekend so I can have a project to work on during my off days.


In crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores on July 29, 2008 at 10:38 pm

I should almost write a daily post on things I want from Etsy…it’s way too easy to find items I want on that site! Dang you amazing crafty people!         


Isn’t this wrap amazzzzing?? Ahpeele is a one of those super sellers on Etsy, they have incredible products that people just can’t resist (I’m so doomed).


You know those funky household stores you walk into that immediately make you smell yummy? Red Leaf is one of those stores…only virtual. I want this spray, in this muggy heat, it’d feel so refreshing!


When I was little, we visited my family in England and I claimed my Grandad’s newsboy hat as my own for the entire trip. Now that I’ve grown up and they style’s now in again, it’s time to get one of my own! Sanchia’s store is so perfect and I’ve just GOT to have this hat!


The Vintage Chainis a new store on Etsy that’s a M.U.S.T to take a look at. Cute items! And it’s on my Gimme List this week (: Um yeah, husband…I hope you’re reading this.

Ok, goals for this week:

  1. Take picture of new bags
  2. Finish two new Kj Bags
  3. Work on BIG PROJECT (!!!)

I’ll explain more about the new Kj Bags when I’ve posted them…but I’m just not very happy about them…I’ll tell you more about that later.

Hot Saturday!

In etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores on July 26, 2008 at 3:00 pm


How cool is this shop?? Wall decals are the “new thing”! You can get funky sayings, have “decal pets” or build on the atmosphere of the room. Take this chandelier for instance, where else can you buy a chandelier for $30.00? And! It can be any color you want. Awesome hey?

Wall decal’ing is the perfect way to funk up any room in your house, or…your brick and mortar shop! (check out this cute little coffee cup!). And the decals don’t take up and floor space!



Goals: Week 6

In blog, crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, sewing, store, stores on July 21, 2008 at 4:40 pm

Oopsy! I just realized I skipped doing my weekly Goal entry last week!

July 6-13 = 330 views (Not bad…at least I got closer to my goal of 350 views per week. But the amount of daily views was really inconsistent, which is something I need to concentrate on more).

This past weeks views got up to 425 views. The average views per day was pretty steady, so I’m happy with that, although the weekend views are still down. The reason I exceeded my views was because I posted my blog link into an Etsy forum post about promotions. I thought I would drop the link there because the author of the post was asking about money saving ways to promote their Etsy store…and I had a couple in depth entries on that subject. Turns out, I got a huge amount of views from just that little link drop! Niiiice.

I’ve been noticing this past week that views have been easier to come by. I’ve still been promoting, but it seems as though I have some daily readers that pop by no matter if I promote the blog or not. This is awesome!! I really love the thought of having daily readers and people who constantly comment and enjoy my entries! It’s so exciting!!

Also, I’ve noticed in my stats that I’ve been getting a couple people finding the Kj Blog through the WordPress Dashboard (the WP main page)…which I’m thinking means that my blog has been on the main page (: That’d be so cool!!

This weeks creative goals:

  • Sewing at least one Kj Bag each evening (two or three would be ideal)
  • Making more price tags
  • Starting to crochet the hat I meant to start last week :b
  • Working more on my BIG PROJECT (shhh! It’s a secret!)

Don’t Forget!

In crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores, wedding on July 15, 2008 at 11:04 pm

Tomorrow is Wednesday…know what that means? It means I’ll be posting my first Wedding Wednesday entry! Make sure you check in to learn about one way to decorate your wedding reception!

Business Cards and Fabric

In blog, crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, sewing, store, stores on July 15, 2008 at 5:59 pm


Yesterday I went on a shopping spree…Just a little one, but one that made me feel GREAT (girls, you know what I mean right?). I bought some really great Amy Butler fabric:


And some awesome pink linen to line it:


I’m also looking for some hook/clasps for my new pattern….I’ll be able to go ahead with it when I get my grommet press and I can’t wait!! I’m going to be doing an entirely different style bag with a nice snug handle made from webbing (a new word I just learned yesterday:). I’m really excited to get onto this project and can’t wait to receive my grommet press.

I’ve also been looking into getting pro business cards done. I don’t mind the ones I make for myself, but it’d be great to have some professional looking ones both in finish and design. I’ve been pricing out a few Etsy businesses, but so far Apples and Chalk Dust looks like the best bet.

The Market

In crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, sewing, store, stores, Uncategorized on July 14, 2008 at 2:15 pm

For the first time on Saturday, I went to the Farmers Market here in town. I had to be there by 8am (on a Saturday, this just about killed me!), I grabbed a Tims coffee before I went and then drove to the parking lot where the Market is held. I set up my table and waited for the customers to start arriving.

I seriously had so much fun! There were so many people enjoying the hot day, everyone was so friendly, and there were so many great booths set up. I actually met another Etsy sellerthere too, from a town just north of us…the first Etsy seller that I’ve met! I really should have taken a picture of us…didn’t think of that.


Financially, the day was a huge success…to me anyways. I’m not sure what the avarage Farmers Market booth would bring in, but I sold $190 of products! I was hoping for a minimun of two sales, and I ended up selling:

  • 1 Kj Bag
  • 5 Zippies and
  • 3 Kitty Bags!

I’m hoping that this success isn’t just because I was a new and unique booth at the Farmers Market…I mean, that’s great, but I’d like these sales to continue even after people get used to seeing me there.

The most exciting part of the day was when a lady came up to me and asked “Are you Katelyn Jane?”. My eyes went wide…people are actually starting to know who I am! I’m getting famous (:

Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it to the Market next week, but I’m planning on making a ton of bags in the meantime and going again the week after next. I’ll be on my way to owning a grommit maker, a button maker and fixing up my craft studio in no time!

Need a New Craft?

In blog, crafts, etsy, seller, sellers, selling, store, stores on July 13, 2008 at 8:00 pm

Apparently I do. I dont’ really…but my brain is always forcing me to spend more money and learn new things. Dang you, brain!

I was going through my blogroll when I peeked into Erin Zam’s blog. I always love her entries but this one was even more inspiring. If you’re looking to start or try out a new craft technique, this is the entry to get you started. Check out her Etsy store while you’re in the clicky mood!